My New Workout Weekly Split!

Time To Get Back In Shape!

I want to be in the best possible shape for all my readers, viewers, clients, and people that look up to me for health and fitness advice. I want to be a role model and not a hypocrite. 
I want to be the best I can be.

I have to admit, over the past several years my fitness regimen and workout priorities have taken a bit of a beating. Aside from a couple good weeks or months, I've been in an overall state of "bulking up" or "rest". Or in a state of "cultivating mass" as Mac says on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Not the good kind of mass, the fatty kind that accumulates on my chest, stomach, and love handles. All of the website work, video editing, and social media has taken it's toll (no excuses though!) so I'm making a declaration to change that, starting today! Already did my cardio and doing my lifting workout in the next hour! And no, these videos are not the only workouts I do or will do, consider them just teasers or portions or previews :)

Enter my new ambitious and effective workout weekly split that I'll be doing for a long time. I will modify it as needed if I change my goals (a race or bodybuilding competition) but it will probably stay relatively intact regardless.  This workout plan will emphasize significant fat loss, a few lbs of overall weight loss, and muscle maintenance or moderate muscle growth. It will also certainly improve my endurance if I decide to focus on doing some 5-10k, Tough Mudders, Spartan Races, etc. The double session days will be split up if possible between morning and evening, and you'll notice that Leg Day (with no cardio that day) is on Monday to get it over with...because if you do Leg Day right it will be the hardest workout of the week! While I'm not getting into exact detail yet on every exercise etc, you'll find that it is a tough but healthy and well thought out program. If you have any questions feel free to comment on this post.

Monday:  LEG DAY (except calves)
Tuesday:  Chest & Shoulders + 30 Minutes Exercise Bike
Wednesday:  Abs & Core + 45 Minutes Running
Thursday:  Upper Back + 30 Minute Walk
Friday:  Biceps, Triceps, Forearms, Trapezius + 35 Min Running
Saturday:  Calves + 45 Minutes Exercise Bike
Sunday:  20-30 Minute Walk (Active Recovery / Rest Day)

I did today's workout but this week will be a bit skewed due to the Warrior Dash I'm running on Sunday. But no excuse, I will workout like a beast until then anyways (which is a good idea) and starting to follow this regimen to the letter starting Monday. Should be a tough Leg Day after a Warrior Dash!

I want to be the in best possible shape for all of you readers and viewers, and fully practice everything I preach. I'll keep you all updated via video or blog post every so often but hopefully within the next month and beyond you'll be looking at a sleeker and fitter Frugal Fitness guru! Thanks as always for reading & watching!

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