How To Handle Money And Manage Your Finances

tips handling money how to manage finances right frugal finance

Let’s Learn To Handle Your Money Better 

You have bought a new shirt, had a delicious meal in a restaurant, and have been to the movies a couple of times. That all has left a gaping hole in your budget. Sounds all too familiar? Does it mean that you live beyond your means? 

Almost everyone has lived beyond their means at least once in their lives. And then, they wondered where all the money went to. However, if this happens regularly, it can be a sign that you cannot handle your funds appropriately. It occurs when you: 

● Don't know the amount of our income and expenditure 
● Don't know what your monthly budget is 
● Are surprised how high the bills are every month 
● Are putting the issue of an old-age provision on the back burner 
● Believe credit rating is a points collecting system 
● Like to postpone bank appointments 

First of all, we should ask ourselves what "handling money" really means. There is simply no clear definition, and everyone understands something different by it. But for most, handling one’s money right means that there's some money left at the end of the month. 

Studies show that people who have more money left than others generally handle their money differently. Most of us don't have a bank loan to repay, so we don’t have to worry, at least in this regard. Studies show that dealing with money properly is something completely different for men and women. But who is better at handling their money? Women have a less strong desire to make a lot of money and make large savings than men. In addition, men are much more prone to risks when it comes to investment. In their turn, women are better at dealing with money than men and are more economical.

One Possible Cause Is Heredity 

The reason why many people cannot handle their money properly is that their parents were the same way. If parents have always lived beyond their means, their children will also have a hard time handling their finances properly. However, that doesn’t mean that you should blame your parents for your financial misery. 

Have A Household Book 

First and foremost, it is important to get a rough idea of ​​how much you spend each month. List in a budget book all monthly fixed costs, such as electricity, water, insurance, and telephone. Calculate how much money you spend on food, restaurants, leisure activities, etc.

Important: Always have a contingency fund. Sum up all your expenses and subtract them from your total income. And here comes the most important point: is there a minus or a plus before the result? In the best-case scenario, you should end up in the black. 

You can also save a lot of money without leaving your home. For example, you can drink tap water instead of mineral water. You can drink your coffee at home instead of going to the coffee shop nearby. You can also purchase groceries in bulk and not go to the store every other day. If there are leftovers from the previous day, you can use them for cooking an original dish. 

In any case, a budget book will be an important tool that will help you manage your finances most effectively. List all expenses in the future: the bread you buy from your local bakery and the outfits you purchase from your favorite clothing store. It’s important that you note down each sum of money you spend. That way, you will gradually get a sense of where your money goes and change your spending habits accordingly. 

Find An Alternative 

It is important that you look for a suitable but cheaper substitute. Do you go to restaurants frequently? You can organize a gourmet meal in your own home and invite one or two of your friends. Looking for a case assignment to buy? On websites you can save some money with different coupons and special discounts.

Set Yourself A Monthly Budget 

Set yourself a realistic monthly budget and try to stay within it. That way, you’ll be able to control all your expenses. 

Stop Using Your Credit Card 

A radical but quite effective measure is to get rid of your credit card. Without a deposit account, you are no longer tempted to live beyond your means. 

Pay Cash 

Always try to pay cash. You’ll be more reluctant to spend a fixed amount of money that you have in your wallet. Also, think twice whether you want to exceed a specified amount in your wallet during the week. 

Stop Spending Money On Unnecessary Things 

It is very important that all actions remain consistent. Resist all attempt to spend money unnecessarily. For example, you can unsubscribe from email newsletters from online shops, stop browsing through catalogs, and drive into town only if you really need something. 

More Money-Saving Tips 

Here are some simple recommendations on saving money that you may use in everyday life: 

Reduce Power Consumption - Refrigerators and are real power guzzlers. It's best to check that they are at least two inches away from the wall and that they’re not in the standby mode. Simply disconnect the device from the power supply. 

Compare Providers - Up to $550 can be saved simply by changing your electricity supplier. Doing so is usually very straightforward and fast. The same applies to your telephone provider — we often pay for services that we don't need at all. 

Sharing - Car sharing is about sharing the same car with people in your area. But you can also share everything else, such as strollers, bicycles, washing machines, and many more. There are different sharing platforms that allow you to save a lot of money. 

Biking - Is your bike all alone outside? Well, no more. You can save a lot of money by bicycling to work. You will save on fuel and car maintenance while also getting in some frugal fitness, which could also save you money on healthcare related expenses in the long run. 

Or, maybe it is not you who can not handle your money, but our partner? In that case, we should report the problem without putting the blame directly on them. Just discuss the issue with your loved one and try to work out a possible solution together.

Exclusive Interview With ETF Expert Oktay Kavrak

interview etf expert oktay kavrak leverage shares etfs

Exclusive Interview With ETF Expert Oktay Kavrak

How Did You Get Started In The Financial Industry Oktay? 

I studied finance in college, but it was the CFA program that ultimate piqued my interest in finance. I was particularly interested in the inner working of capital markets and trading which ultimately led to me entering the ETF industry with Leverage Shares

Why Are You So Passionate About ETFs And ETPs? 

I love the fact that it is a level playing field for retail investors. Whether investing $10 or $100,000 - you are getting access to the same product, with the same features, as professional investors in the markets. 

What Sets Your ETFs And ETPs Apart From The Competition? 

We were the first company globally to launch single-stock ETPs - this was on the London Stock Exchange back in 2018. This segment has since become one of the hottest areas in the ETF/ETP space, with over $100 billion in AUM globally. Our latest innovation is Europe’s first high-yield income ETPs on single stocks and indices - our IncomeShares suite launched in 2024. We have brought innovation to the fastest-growing ETF market in the world (Europe) and we will continue to do so in 2025. 

What Is Your Favorite ETF Right Now? 

For trading, it is the 5x Magnificent 7 ETP (ticker MAG7, in London). It is a straightforward way to “buy the dip” in tech stocks I am personally bullish on. For long-term buy-and-hold investing, I like the iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF (ticker IWDA, in London). With a single trade, I get exposure to 85% of listed equities across more than 20 developed markets. It is my "one-and-done" holding of choice. 

What Is Your Top Piece Of Advice For Investors? 

Stick to your plan and stay invested through both bull and bear markets. More money has been lost trying to time the market than by simply holding through drawdowns. Investing isn’t always smooth sailing, but extending your holding period gives you a much better shot at long-term success.

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