If you are trying to recover and stay fit after an injury, you should play it incredibly safe. The worst thing for you to do is jump straight back into your old routine before you are ready as this will cause more damage and slow your healing even further. Many of those recovering from severe injuries like auto accidents find it very difficult to motivate themselves, so if you have managed to find that motivation, it can be challenging to resist exercising. If you feel you are ready, you need to follow these steps:
Be Sure You Are Ready
There is a reason that specialist doctors exist: without training and experience, it can be challenging to make the right call for yourself. As a result, if you are thinking of getting back on your exercise regime, you should run it by a specialist first. Make sure they have experience in the specific accident you have had, for example, if you have an auto collision in the State with the most auto accidents, you’d want to only get the opinion of an auto accident and rehabilitation Orlando experts. A good chiropractor will likely give you an exercise plan to follow.
Get Mentally Prepared
If you have been involved in a serious accident, you will likely have a long rehabilitation period. It is common to feel frustrated during this time of waiting, but understanding that it is for your own good is vital. If you used to have exercise as a critical aspect of your routine, try substituting this with a healthy but less physically exerting mental exercise like meditation.
When You Are Ready, Go Slow
When you are both physically fit enough to start exercising again and have the necessary motivation, you should start slowly and exercise many different areas of your body at once. If you were previously a runner, some might advise you to start running at about 50% the distance / pace that you previously ran, increasing 10% each week. It is much more beneficial to instead start doing low-intensity home exercises that exercise your body in its entirety. If you have one specific area that has been injured, working on the whole of your body will give you the holistic strength that you need to support your recovery. You can find many whole-body home exercises online, but make sure you start with low intensity before moving up.
Warm Up Then Keep Cool
It will be crucial for you to take the time to warm up properly before exercise and cool down properly after exercise. Warming up should vary depending on your exercise but should last about 5-10 minutes and gently prepare your body for the exercise ahead. Cool-downs should last a similar time and are equally important, you need to stretch and wind down your intensity. Avoid sudden stopping and starting as these can put unnecessary stress on your recovering body.
Don’t Push Through The Pain
If you are an eager exerciser, you will likely be good at sensing discomfort and pushing through it to extend your limits. Don’t do this when you’re recovering as painful discomfort will be a sign from your body that you are doing damage to an already damaged area. Some very mild pain is okay, but if this intensifies when you continue your exercise you should stop immediately and either look for a different exercise that doesn’t cause that pain or give it a few days of rest – doing anything else simply isn’t worth it.