Looking For A Dentist To Attend Your Dental Problems?

looking for a dentist near you fix dental problems

Manhattan Dental Design is a modern health care facility with a wide range of dental solutions. The medical equipment is up to date at the health clinic. Dr. Ernest Tchoi in New York City is a professional and amicable in every sense of the word. He provides a wide range of dental services to patients in New York City. The doctor comes from a family of dentists, and from a young age he was dedicated to the art of healing and the highest standard of care. He is committed to providing comprehensive quality dental health care while making sure patients are informed and comfortable with their treatment plan. Let's have a look at the various services offered at Manhattan Dental Design. 

Manhattan Cosmetic Dentistry 

Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a whole mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional care as we enhance the natural beauty of your smile. If you feel conscious about the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile and improve your oral health. At Manhattan Dental Design, Dr Tchoi provides several cosmetic dentistry services including teeth whitening, veneers, and smile makeovers. Cosmetic dentistry is an oral health specialty that uses advanced tools and technology to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums. The specialists at the practice are there to make your teeth more attractive, provide dental cleaning, dental exam, dental x-rays, home care instruction, oral cancer exam, periodontal disease treatment, and replace missing and damaged teeth. It is possible to lower your risk of gum recession, bone loss, and other serious health issues through good treatment. 

Dental Implant 

Dental implants are metal posts that provide a strong supportive foundation for restoration like bridges, implant supported dentures, and crowns. Dr. Tchoi places dental implants into your jaw during an outpatient procedure, then allows the implant to fully integrate into your jawbone before placing a crown or dentures over the implant, giving you a permanent solution to missing teeth. 


Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that corrects crowded or crooked teeth and misaligned jaws. Instead of relying on rubber bands, brackets, and metal braces, Invisalign uses a thermoplastic called SmartTrack. Invisalign aligners fit snugly over your teeth and often provide results within 6-12 months. 

Teeth Whitening 

If you have stained, yellow, or generally discolored teeth, consider teeth whitening. Dr. Tchoi provides teeth whitening using the Philips Zoom chairside whitening system. Zoom safely eradicates stains in under an hour, transforming the color and condition of your smile. 


Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain bonded to your teeth. Veneers mask a variety of oral imperfections including chipped or cracked teeth. 

Cleaning And Prevention 

A preventative dentistry program is a cooperative effort by patient, dentist, and dental staff to preserve the natural dentition and supporting structures by preventing the onset, progress, and reoccurrence of dental diseases and conditions. Preventing oral diseases start at home with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet. It is continued in the dental office by the effort of your dentist and hygienist to promote and maintain oral health. Prevention also includes regular dental exams, cleanings, and x-rays. Sealants and fluorides are also preventative treatments that can help protect your teeth. Prevention helps avoid serious and costly dental problems and is the key to having a healthy, confident, beautiful smile. 

Dedicated Dentistry

In case of any dental problems, one can always call Manhattan Dental Design or book an appointment online. Take care of your teeth!

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