Contributed By IR Fit
A lot of Fitness fashion is unbelievably expensive! Remember when you were at High School and it was all about the brand of sweatshirt or sneakers? Well precious little has changed in the world and at the gym club it is probably worse than ever.
It’s hard though when you pay large sums out of your pay check for gym classes or full blown memberships, once you’ve got your exercise plan all mapped out and you have committed to the financial ties the very last thing you want to do is pay out any more on the clothes to wear. You have to though; you cannot turn up with a pair of smelly old sneakers. Apart from anything else it won’t do you any good in your training because you have to have the right sort of equipment to enhance your exercise. For example if you are taking up running, you need the appropriate supportive sneakers which will facilitate the right way to land your feet and distribute your weight. It is worth making an investment in this type of footwear because your feet and ankles in particular take an awful lot of strain when you are exerting yourself.
Likewise if you take part in a dance class you would want more flexibility in your sneakers to allow you to twist and turn and remain light on your feet. Jazz shoes for example are worn by Zumba dancers to enhance their dancing experience and minimize the risk of injury. It goes a bit further than that though. With Zumba and lots of other types of branded class people taking part are feeling the need to wear the ‘right clothing’ to match the brand and the instructors. In Zumba for example flowing tassels allegedly add to the motion of moves and skimpy tops show off the instructors’ toned bodies and bellies.
Of course this type of investment is in all honesty more about following the crowds than expressing yourself but if it makes you feel better about your abilities in the class then it’s probably harmless! After all you do need to wear something to class and it ought to be sporty breathable material which allows you to sweat. In all honesty the branding is silly, you can pick up branded and non branded sports gear in sports stores the length and breadth of the country and checking out the sale rails is always advisable, even if you don’t need anything new at that time, you can snap up a bargain and put it away until you do need it.
New Year’s Resolutions: ‘I pay for membership but never seem to go’
Some gym members in the branded establishments especially pay an awful lot to be a member and image is everything for the fashion conscious. Consequently they buy a lot of fitness gear and only the best will do. But a lot of members soon tire of the exercise bug and soon enough they stop going all together. It is the sorry story of the broken New Year’s resolution you see year after year. But every cloud has a silver lining folks, and they no longer have the need for the up to the moment threads which they were sporting! When they inevitably sell them on to make room in their wardrobe there is a fantastic opportunity presented for the frugal fitness fanatic to snap up a bargain!
Shrinking Fitness Fanatics: ‘I’ve dropped two dress sizes’
Equally when people stay committed to the sport they shed pounds and no longer fit in their fitness gear. In all likelihood they have only worn them a few times particularly if their weight loss has been rapid.
Auction Sites
You can pick up some absolute bargains on auction sites where they sell off their unwanted tops, jogging bottoms, Zumba branded clothing; the list could literally go on and on. You don’t even need to hit the shopping mall as the sports wear fashion is sent by a courier, straight to your door. The prices will be at a fraction of the full prices they would originally have been labelled too, which only adds to the pleasure. Be selective about who you buy from, for example don’t bid on products which display gallery images, rather go for the ones where you can see the actual item of clothing you would be buying, and be sure to check out the seller’s feedback. When the package arrives, check the items over well and if there is anything you are not happy with raise it with the seller to negotiate refunds and returns if necessary. Give them a really good wash and you are truly set up to go at a true fraction of the price.
I hope you enjoyed this article about how to live healthier on a frugal budget and maximize your performance!
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