Is your home out of space and filled with clutter? You might be thinking about renting a storage unit. On average, you can expect to pay $91.14 every month if you use a self-storage facility.
That's a small fortune!
But it doesn't have to be. Although a self-storage facility can be expensive, there are many ways to lower the price and save on storage. In some cases, you may be able to avoid a storage unit even if your home is out of space.
What's the secret? We'll show you! Here are seven savvy ways to save on storage solutions.
1. Don't Store Everything
Before you contact a storage company, you should perform an audit of everything you own. Do you need that bulky, broken-down chair? Probably not.
And it'll cost you if you decide to bring it along. The more stuff you have, the more space you need.
There's no reason to pay a premium for a large storage unit when it's holding junk that you might never use again.
If you're looking for cheap storage options, have a garage sale. This is your opportunity to lose the extra bulk that gathers throughout the years. Not only will you make some spending money from the proceeds, but you'll also reduce the amount of storage space you need.
Of course, you could donate items for tax credits or throw out your worthless possessions. Even if you aren't selling your old stuff, you'll save by fitting your items in a smaller storage unit.
2. Compare Storage Unit Offers
There are tens of thousands of self-storage facilities competing across the country. As a consumer, you can use this competition to your advantage. There are likely half a dozen or more facilities within a reasonable driving distance.
Check online and compare their prices. It's easier if you know what size of storage unit you plan on getting so you only have to compare one set of prices.
Although branded self-storage facilities often have set prices, smaller companies are open to negotiation. If you're looking for cheap long term storage, you should definitely try to haggle for the best price. This could lead to hundreds of dollars in savings down the road.
3. Share a Rental Unit
Do you know someone who already has a rental unit? Then maybe they have space for some of your possessions.
You could ask if they wouldn't mind you using their extra space for free. However, it'd be better to work out a deal where you split the cost of the rental unit.
Yes, larger rental units are more expensive than smaller ones. But if you share the cost of a large rental unit, it should cost significantly less than paying for your own smaller space.
4. Maximize Your Storage Space
Since you've paid for the entire storage unit, you need to make the most of it. Don't leave empty space. Just like a game of Tetris, you want to pile up your possessions in an efficient manner.
Although it can be a hassle, it's worth it in the long run. The alternative to stuffing your storage unit is buying a bigger one. But why do that when your current unit gets the job done, so long as you stack everything the right way?
This method doesn't work if you need constant access to specific items in your storage. But if you're locking stuff away, then feel free to stuff your storage unit. Just try not to break anything.
5. Save on Storage With Self Storage Insurance
No matter which self-storage facility you choose, they will offer you storage insurance for an additional fee. But what is storage insurance? Well, if something happens to your belongings, you'll get a check for the damaged or lost items.
A cheap storage unit may seem more expensive when you factor in monthly insurance payments.
However, you could also lose a great deal of money if something happens to your priceless possessions.
Homeowner's insurance often covers accidents that occur in self-storage. But it may not protect from certain natural disasters or situations. If you have some of the best self storage insurance, you'll receive more comprehensive coverage.
6. Ask Friends and Family for Help
It's hard to imagine, but sometimes people have surplus room in their home, whether it's an empty basement or closet. This is an opportunity to ask around for help. You might not need to rent a space at all if you can use a family member's home.
Of course, nobody likes clutter. If you choose this option, sweeten the deal by giving them a monthly stipend. And remember that they may ask you to remove your items at any time.
7. Look at Home Storage Solutions
If you don't have bulky items, you may be able to work out a home storage solution. There are many products available that can expand the effective space of any home.
For example, there are plenty of shelving units available. Even though your closet space may be packed, you'll have more vertical room by installing shelves.
For more serious needs, you could construct a shed on your property. This might seem like an expensive option, but you could save in the long run by avoiding long term storage payments.
Anyone Can Afford Self-Storage
There's no denying that we live in a material society. And over the years, those materials really add up. Sometimes you don't want to let go of cherished possessions or you may be in a situation where you have to downsize.
That's where self-storage is a great option. Since you can save on storage, renting a unit isn't as expensive as it might seem. To avoid using storage solutions in the future, consider making a frugal lifestyle change.
If you're looking for more ways to be frugal, check out the rest of our blog for more information.