You’ve probably been hearing about the positives of vaping as an effective method for Nicotine Replacement Therapy to quit smoking. It might also interest you to know that vaping was first popularized in the year 1963 by Henry Gilbert. At the time also, the “smokeless non-tobacco cigarette” as Gilbert called it, was considered to be helpful in helping people quit the habit. Modern-day vaping, as you know it, has been around since 2000 when the Chinese company Hon Lik created and marketed vaping devices.
Although enough research has been done to study the long-term harmful effects of smoking, studies on vaping are as yet incomplete and inconclusive. Even so, scientists do warn about the possible side effects of the components of e-juices contained in Juul or vaping devices. Here's everything you need to know.
Juul Or Vaping Is Not Recommended For Teenagers
The law has made it illegal for teenagers to buy or use Juul or vaping devices. You have to be at least 18 years of age to buy vaping products and display identification if you’re under 27 years of age. Websites marketing devices and e-juices require users to be at least 21 years to surf their pages and conduct age verification before they take your order. These rules have been put into effect for good reason. Check out the information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that explains why:
- Teenager brains are not fully developed. As a result, they have a higher probability of getting addicted to even small percentages of nicotine. Further, the incomplete development makes young people more susceptible to the side effects of the drug. These ill-effects can include lowering the ability to control impulses and raises the risk of mood alteration.
- E-juices contain several chemicals that can irritate the tissues of the mouth, windpipe, and lungs.
- Although vaping is intended as a tool for quitting smoking, teenagers may use it as a gateway to make the transition to actual cigarettes.
- Immediate after effects of using Juul or vaping devices include headaches, persistent coughs, and dizziness. Some users may also experience nausea which may be accompanied by stomach pain and dry or sore throat.
Juul Or Vaping Is Not Recommended For Pregnant Women
When you check around websites like Blackout Vapors that market Juul pods, read on and you will read warnings that vaping is not recommended for pregnant women. Nicotine is known to cause several birth defects including damage to the brain and lungs of the unborn baby. You also run the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Pregnant mothers need to know that even if they use 0% nicotine in the vaping devices, the other chemicals in the e-juices could have adverse effects on the baby. The American Pregnancy Association warns that the FDA has not regulated e-cigarettes nor are there any studies that prove e-cigs and vaping is safe. You might also want to avoid being in the company of people who vape and prevent the risk of inhaling second-hand smoke.
You Should Use E-Juices With Caution
E-juices used in Juul or vaping devices contain several components and flavoring agents that can be potentially harmful. Like this feature on HealthLine explains:
- Exposing the cells of the lungs and throat to vapors can trigger inflammation in the tissues. Long-term use of vaping juices can result in inflammation in the entire body, specially targeting white blood cells. You risk different ailments that studies have not yet identified.
- E-juices can destroy cells in the lungs that protect you from allergens and air-borne diseases. You also raise your sensitivity to toxins in the air and the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
- The main ingredients in e-juice are propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and water. While these compounds can be harmful when they convert into vapor, you need to worry more about the artificial flavoring. These agents are used to give juices their specific tastes that make the e-juices appealing. The main toxins include acetoin, diacetyl, and acetyl propionyl along with a host of other chemicals that manufacturers may not list on labels.
If you have been looking for Nicotine Replacement Therapy alternatives that can help you kick smoking, know that Juul and vaping devices work only if you use them with extreme caution. Use vaping only to counter the withdrawal symptoms from quitting regular cigarettes. Make sure you lower the nicotine percentages as soon as your body adapts and kick the habit quickly. Whatever you do, never consider vaping as a permanent replacement for smoking.
Juul Or Vaping Is Not Recommended For Teenagers
The law has made it illegal for teenagers to buy or use Juul or vaping devices. You have to be at least 18 years of age to buy vaping products and display identification if you’re under 27 years of age. Websites marketing devices and e-juices require users to be at least 21 years to surf their pages and conduct age verification before they take your order. These rules have been put into effect for good reason. Check out the information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that explains why:
- Teenager brains are not fully developed. As a result, they have a higher probability of getting addicted to even small percentages of nicotine. Further, the incomplete development makes young people more susceptible to the side effects of the drug. These ill-effects can include lowering the ability to control impulses and raises the risk of mood alteration.
- E-juices contain several chemicals that can irritate the tissues of the mouth, windpipe, and lungs.
- Although vaping is intended as a tool for quitting smoking, teenagers may use it as a gateway to make the transition to actual cigarettes.
- Immediate after effects of using Juul or vaping devices include headaches, persistent coughs, and dizziness. Some users may also experience nausea which may be accompanied by stomach pain and dry or sore throat.
Juul Or Vaping Is Not Recommended For Pregnant Women
When you check around websites like Blackout Vapors that market Juul pods, read on and you will read warnings that vaping is not recommended for pregnant women. Nicotine is known to cause several birth defects including damage to the brain and lungs of the unborn baby. You also run the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Pregnant mothers need to know that even if they use 0% nicotine in the vaping devices, the other chemicals in the e-juices could have adverse effects on the baby. The American Pregnancy Association warns that the FDA has not regulated e-cigarettes nor are there any studies that prove e-cigs and vaping is safe. You might also want to avoid being in the company of people who vape and prevent the risk of inhaling second-hand smoke.
You Should Use E-Juices With Caution
E-juices used in Juul or vaping devices contain several components and flavoring agents that can be potentially harmful. Like this feature on HealthLine explains:
- Exposing the cells of the lungs and throat to vapors can trigger inflammation in the tissues. Long-term use of vaping juices can result in inflammation in the entire body, specially targeting white blood cells. You risk different ailments that studies have not yet identified.
- E-juices can destroy cells in the lungs that protect you from allergens and air-borne diseases. You also raise your sensitivity to toxins in the air and the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
- The main ingredients in e-juice are propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and water. While these compounds can be harmful when they convert into vapor, you need to worry more about the artificial flavoring. These agents are used to give juices their specific tastes that make the e-juices appealing. The main toxins include acetoin, diacetyl, and acetyl propionyl along with a host of other chemicals that manufacturers may not list on labels.
If you have been looking for Nicotine Replacement Therapy alternatives that can help you kick smoking, know that Juul and vaping devices work only if you use them with extreme caution. Use vaping only to counter the withdrawal symptoms from quitting regular cigarettes. Make sure you lower the nicotine percentages as soon as your body adapts and kick the habit quickly. Whatever you do, never consider vaping as a permanent replacement for smoking.