10 Top Tools for Building Customer Relationships

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It's business 101 that the more clients you have, the more sales you and your business will make. 

However, what they don't teach you is the magnitude of keeping those customers coming back for more time in and time out. There's only one way to get your company to that point: building relationships with your clientele.

Building relationships helps build customer loyalty, grows your B2B sales, and builds key partnerships with other companies as well.

It's important to take the necessary steps to ensure those relationships are getting built.

Here are a few tips and tools for building customer relationships in your brand's marketplace. 

1. Accessibility

One of the most important aspects of building trust between you and your clients are showing them that you'll always be there when they need you most.

That can be shown in quite a few ways, but simply making them feel as if they could call you anytime (day or night) to get a quote or schedule an appointment/shipment is valuable in the customer's eyes.

One such way you can stress that to them is by letting them know which outlets you're easily reached by. 

For instance, tell them that you're accessible by email or phone during the day but to have them call you if they need anything before or after normal work hours.

That shows them you're ready to service them whenever they need you and that's what true friends are for!

2. Communication

Communication is one of the most essential parts of any aspect of life, but especially so in business. 

If the client doesn't feel like they're being communicated with, they'll start to perceive that as you not caring enough for their account.

Most importantly, it's important that your company has a consistent communication method.

If you have a system where multiple departments oversee certain aspects of each account (such as sales, customer service, retention, etc.), it's vital that they all know their portion of the communication.

Contact roles are an amazing tool for this, letting each department know the role they have in servicing each account. If you're interested in contact roles, learn more here.

3. Comfort

Over time, you and your clients will develop enough comfortability with each other to talk about extracurricular things such as last night's game, their kid's dance rehearsal, etc.

That is a phenomenal way to show your clients that you genuinely care for their well-being, not only in business but in life.

Customers love to build a personal connection with the companies they work with, it makes the process less intimidating altogether.

4. Confidence

When something goes wrong in a client's life, such as their marketing plan not yielding any return on investment, they may begin to panic.

That panic will send them running to you for advice and assistance on how to fix the dramatic dilemma they're facing. Giving them the assurance that you will help turn things around will build their confidence in your product/service.

Give them a thorough explanation of what your strategy is and how your products will solve their problems. If it works according to plan, they'll be forever grateful.

5. Go Above and Beyond

Nothing's more impressive to a client than when a business gives them more than they paid for. 

Going above and beyond for your customers shows that your brand isn't just about the money.

It shows passion for your product and an understanding of how to do business the right way... that's something customers flock to!

More importantly, when you go above and beyond for them, they'll find ways to return the favor, and that expedites the relationship-building process substantially!

6. One-on-One Basis

One of the worst things you can do for your business is an attempt to group clients together as a convenience to yourself.

Customers hate being bundled, it'll make them run for the hills as fast as possible.

Your number 1 priority should be making each customer you have to feel as if they're your most important client.

Don't rush the conversation (unless they're in a hurry), talk about things you've discussed before, and always ask them if there's anything else they need help with.

7. Ask Their Opinion

Show your customers that their opinion matters for your business. That you truly care about the service you're providing them and how you can get better.

Asking for feedback is the best way to go about this as it shows you're seeking honest advice and conversation in an effort to better serve them in the future.

This shows your clients that you'll never settle for "just okay". They want to do business with companies that are always looking to improve, such as yours.

8. Always Set Expectations

Another big mistake that businesses tend to make, in an effort to beat their competition, is making promises to their customers and not delivering on them.

It's better to be honest with your customers upfront and give them an in-depth understanding of the process: both the timing and the cost.

That way, your customers are never underwhelmed with your performance. You always finish the project in a timely and efficient fashion, and that's more important to them than having it done faster.

9. Show Your Gratefulness

Take advantage of any opportunity you have to thank your clients for their continued support. 

Use discounts, free add-ons, and upgrades as ways to show them your gratuity by your actions.

Talk is cheap, any business can merely say the words "thank you" and move on with their day. What is your business prepared to do to show your thankfulness to them? Get that a customer-incentive program going as soon as possible.

10. Always Apologize

Mistakes are going to happen from time to time, it's just a part of the business world. Even though it proves to be an inconvenience for them, your clients understand that as well.

The best thing you can do when a mistake is made is to apologize and own up to the setback you've created for your clients. 

After that, let them know how you plan to rectify it and compensate for the time you've cost them with the mistake that was made.

Building Customer Relationships Will Propel Your Business to New Heights!

Going the extra mile will always benefit you in building customer relationships, and your business will see the profits of it for years to come.

Be sure to check back with Frugal Finance often for great advice on things such as business, lifestyle, and finances.

Good luck with forming quality relationships with your customers! Be the company that your competitors strive to become.

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