If you're filing a workers comp claim, you've got to remain professional.
Even if you feel that your employer's negligence resulted in a serious injury, you need to make the proper steps to ensure that your claim will be taken seriously. One of the first things you'll need to do is see a worker's compensation doctor.
In this post, we're going to talk about what not to do at your worker's comp doctor appointment. There are plenty of articles online telling you what you need to do during the worker's comp process, but there are things you need to avoid saying and doing in order to make this process a smooth one.
1. Don't Let the Insurance Company Thrust a Doctor On You
In many cases, your employer's insurance company will try to put you in touch with their worker's comp doctor. You don't have to accept this; in most states now, you're permitted to use whichever doctor you see fit, not your employer.
The reason that you should be wary of this is that a doctor chosen by your employer has their interest in mind, not yours. They might deem your condition better than it is and your claim might be denied as a result.
It's within your rights to deny their doctor, but both parties have to agree on one. Then, you'll have to search for workers comp doctors until you find one that you're comfortable with and the insurance company deems credible.
2. Don't Lie About Symptoms
When you do go in for your medical exam, don't exaggerate or make up any symptoms. Keep everything above board and you'll never find yourself in a situation where you're getting let go.
People always want to make the strongest case for their worker's comp claim, which is understandable if you legitimately cannot work. However, when you start falsifying symptoms, you're entering shaky ground. If the doctor thinks you're malingering, it'll show up on the report.
3. Don't Get Treated for Anything Else
If you've got any preexisting injuries, don't let the worker's comp doctor treat them. This visit should be about the injury you're filing the claim for and nothing else. When you use your normal doctor, they should be aware of these conditions anyways.
The reason for this is that when your conditions are mixed up in a report, your claim could be denied.
4. Don't Lose Your Temper
Going through the worker's comp process can be trying, especially when you just want to get treated. A lot of people, when they feel that their injury is being viewed as a company expense, lose their temper.
Try not to do this at the doctor's office. When you treat the physician poorly, it could be reflected in the report.
5. Don't Push Work Restrictions
Lastly, don't push your doctor on what you can and can't do at work. You shouldn't put them in a position to suspect that you want to be off work because that might lead to the suspicion that you're faking the injury.
Just ask them a few questions about the process and what you should do. If you don't get to it before the appointment is over, ask them specifically about work restrictions. While you shouldn't push the issue, you do need to know the best way to heal.
The Worker's Comp Doctor Appointment Is Just One Part
Getting through your worker's comp doctor appointment is one of the last stages of the worker's comp process. Now that you know what not to do, you can make sure this appointment goes smoothly.
As long as you've done everything the right way (recounting events, filing paperwork, etc.), then all that's left to do after getting the doctor's report is file the claim and wait to see if you've been approved or denied.
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