Losing weight and maintaining it involves creating a sustainable long-term strategy. Many things in addition to what you consume tend to affect that number you read on the scale. Health conditions, food, and even lifestyle factors such as stress and the amount of sleep you get can make it a tall order or easy to lose weight. A person's weight affects their appearance, health, and chances of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you should seek a program you can sustain. If you want to know how to start shedding off the extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight, you can seek a weight management specialist through telehealth in Hackensack to discuss your options.
Challenges In Losing Weight
For most overweight individuals, their body tends to prevent permanent weight loss. The body works against the person's efforts to lose weight. And the reason is that how much a person weighs is controlled by intricate interactions between neurons and hormones found in the hypothalamus, the area of the brain responsible for controlling hunger, thirst, and body temperature. The neurons and hormones influence the appetite of a person besides the quantity of food they eat.
Some people build up resistance to leptin, a type of hormone. A person’s fat cells produce leptin, a hormone that reduces appetite.
Losing Weight On Your Own
Some individuals can pretty well lose weight on their own using a simple diet and exercise. Unfortunately, many weight loss techniques do not deliver long-term results. Fad diets, cleanses, and crash diets do not help many people lose weight sustainably. A majority regain about 30 to 35% of the lost weight after one year. This is a significant setback and can quickly put you off in pursuing your weight loss plan. If you try losing weight unsuccessfully or gain it back, you need to seek a comprehensive weight loss program. The program should have a holistic approach to weight loss. It should look at how much you exercise, what you eat, how you manage stress, as well as your medical history, and how it affects your weight loss.
Staying At A Healthy Weight
Many weight loss treatments exist. While some people may benefit from surgical treatments such as bariatric surgery, others respond well to non-surgical treatments such as stress management and behavioral therapy. A weight management specialist should be able to develop a customized weight loss plan depending on your needs.
To determine what works best for you, our weight management specialist will ask you about your medical history, weight loss goals, and day-to-day habits, including exercise and diet. The goal is to identify what has not worked best for you previously and how to get the right treatment plan that can allow you to lose weight permanently.
Weight Loss That Works Well
From weight loss medications designed to help lower your appetite and food cravings to bariatric surgery and managing emotional issues, it is crucial that you have a weight management program that works specifically for you. Everyone's weight loss journey is different, and so is the treatment plan.