Barter To Save Money on Food, Dietary Supplements, & Health Services

Frugal People Have Been Bartering Since The Beginning of Man!

Sometimes getting food products or nutritional supplements simply requires a trade of services. I know many people that have provided their trade or expertise in exchange for the products of a store, restaurant, or supplement company owner. I’ve provided personal training on occasion for nutritional supplements, as long as the exchange is worthwhile to both parties. 

Perhaps the store, restaurant, or company owner needs the services you provide but normally couldn’t afford them. They purchase or cook their products at wholesale prices and provide them to you in exchange for your product or service and everybody wins. It’s not rocket science and in many situations it can be the smartest move. You may even get referrals for your quality products or services, increase your income, and then have even more money to invest in your health and fitness!

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