Contributed By Marissa Bognanno, Author of The Boot Blog
My return after vacation at home was rough. I was hit hard with debilitating bouts of homesickness that I hadn’t felt since the first year I started living here. Though it would seem only natural for an expat to be homesick, it was like admitting defeat. I kept trying to reassure myself that it was just the shock of coming back after only two weeks, or that it was just the post-holiday blues and I would snap out of it. How could I just make it go away? I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t laugh, I felt anxious.
Until I discovered something completely magical and instant: meditation. I don’t even know what it was that lead me to google it, but there I was on the couch, in lotus, breathing in and breathing out. The clarity of mind and instant calm I felt after the first ten minutes was a revelation. It was like my brain could just be serene if only I told it to. That in the face of any problem, stress or discouraging situation I could still be happy and peaceful. I started taking ten minutes every day to sit in a quiet spot of the house and listen to short, self-guided meditations I found on YouTube, and by the third day, I felt so in tune; like everything made sense again. In short, I'm hooked.
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