Enjoy this free affordable meal plan to help you get lean and mean. This meal plan is for individuals at or around 100-120 lbs and/or trying to lose significant body fat.
-1 Bowl of whole grain cereal w/ berries
-1 8 oz Cup Skim Milk
-Cup Black Coffee
- Multivitamin and 2 Flaxseed Oil Capsules
Snack #1:
-Handful of blueberries
-5 Low Fat Wheat Thin Crackers
-Half turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread
-Green Tea
Snack #2:
-Celery and carrot sticks
-5 Almonds
-3 oz baked, broiled, or grilled Chicken Breast, skinless
-1 cup edamame
-1 Cup Green Beans
-Chamomile Tea Water and/or Decaffeinated Tea
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