Enjoy another delicious and nutritious healthy meal plan that is affordable for any budget! Lose weight and look great!
- 1 Cup of Cooked Oatmeal with Banana Slices
- 1 8 oz Cup Skim Milk
- 1 Cup Orange Juice
- Cup Coffee with Skim Milk and Splenda (optional)
- Multivitamin and 2 Flaxseed Oil Capsules
Snack #1:
-Fat Free Cottage Cheese
- 2 oz Turkey Breast, Spicy Mustard, Lettuce, on Multigrain Bread
- 5 Low Fat Wheat Thin Crackers
- Green Tea
- Cup of Carrots
Snack #2:
- 1 Small box of raisins
- 3 oz baked, broiled, or grilled Chicken Breast
- 1 Spinach with garlic and oil
- 1 Cup Green Beans
- Decaf Green Tea
Snack #3:
-Half a glass (4 oz) of Skim Milk
To save money on your vitamins, protein, and more great products get your health supplements here.
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