If you look at the routines of many famous and successful people, their day starts with a good and productive morning. No hitting snooze and eating a greasy breakfast for these folks. Whether you like to wake up at 4:00 am to get a head start or set your alarm for right before work, these seven habits of self-care will help you get a wonderful start to the day.
Set A Standard Wake Up Time
Studies show that waking up at a consistent time whether it is a weekend or weekday is better for your circadian rhythm and internal clock. Waking up at the same time every day gets you in the habit of knowing what to expect as soon as you wake up, instead of changing up your routine day by day.
Move Your Body
Stretching or getting some exercise in the morning is one of the best ways to start your day with a bang. Getting your blood flowing and moving your muscles can wake you up and set you up for a day without injuries, soreness or stiffness.
Eat A Good Breakfast
Breakfast is what your body needs after essentially fasting all night long. A combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats will keep you full until lunchtime without that dreaded mid-morning slump. Try some whole grain toast with scrambled egg and avocado, or overnight quinoa oats with almond butter, berries, and maple syrup for well-rounded nutrition.
Wash Your Face
A good skincare routine can shave years off your appearance, but more importantly, it should include sunscreen to protect your face against UV ray and sun damage. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser, then swipe on some toner to refresh your skin and minimize the appearance of pores. Before putting on makeup, if that’s part of your routine, apply your favorite sunscreen. The sunscreens made for swimming and the beach are usually too thick and greasy for your facial skin. Instead, choose one specially formulated for the thinner skin around your face and neck.
Make A To-Do List
Setting out the day’s goals and tasks can be a form of self-care, because it will help you prioritize what is important and what is urgent. Some say that you should spend at least some time doing what is truly important to your goals, rather than filling up your day only with what is urgent. It can help to take care of urgent weekly tasks, like grocery shopping, laundry, scheduling doctor appointments or scheduling home repairs over the weekends. This leaves your weekdays free to complete what is really important.
Journal Or Meditate
It can help to write down any feelings or emotions you are going through before you have to put your game face on for school or work. This gives you an opportunity to take them out of your head and leave them on paper to process at a later time, like in the evening after getting some additional perspective. All it takes is a few minutes—find a small notebook that you will enjoy carrying around and jot down some notes or take a few moments to sit cross-legged on the floor and just notice your emotions as they pass you by.
Avoid Too Much Caffeine And Processed Sugar
Your favorite caffeinated Starbucks drink may sound delicious in the moment, but it can set you up for exhaustion and fatigue later in the day. If you must have coffee, try to drink it black or just with a little milk and sugar.