The last couple of months have been tough, really tough. Sitting around in your home idle is sure to put some extra pounds on the body. With the whole country - including the gyms – in a smart lockdown situation, one may negate any solution to this dilemma. But there is a way to prevent putting on those extra pounds while the gyms are restricted.
Amid this entire COVID-19 situation, people have learned the value of their homes. They are constantly coming up with new ideas to kill the time that does not require wearing a mask and being in groups. One of these trends having an At-Home Exercise Plan. These workouts are pretty much the new way of life now (or as they say, the “new normal”). It is the only way to keep your body fit and toned with Frugal Fitness during a time when it is easier to be a couch potato.
Why You Should Want A Personalized Plan?
If you go around looking for exercise plans, you will find yourself surrounded by hundreds of videos and apps on the Internet. The only thing you can do is to not fall in those traps. It is also not necessary that your friend’s at-home routine would work for you as well as it has for them. Why? Because if you are just deciding to get into shape and they have already been in the full swing of things, their workout may be too intense to handle in the beginning. So, you might have to look for options and figure out which plan works for you.
While devising an exercise plan, here are 6 top tips you should keep in mind as you put together your at-home workout:
1) Keeping It Simple
Have you ever had a good feeling about a routine and then ended up messing it up? It happens to the best of us. We make a plan that goes against our convenience and then end up leaving it in the middle or not doing it at all. If you're experiencing such mood bummers, then you should think of changing that routine. Consider this:
- Don’t let the routine disturb your everyday life.
- Schedule it in free time.
- Look for a routine that doesn’t require much prep.
- Choose a routine that doesn’t require much equipment.
- Create a plan that motivates you.
- Don’t be too hard on yourself (this is important)
2) Stay On Schedule
Whether you have early morning office hours or are just one of those work-from-home employees, it's important that you sort out your priorities and devise a schedule that realistically works to your benefit. You need to ask yourself: What suits you best? Are you an early riser or a night owl? These things seem ordinary but are actually prerequisites in determining your plan.
Set a specific hour in a day, and stick to it. Don’t let anything distract your at-home exercise routine.
3) Be Accountable
When it comes to at-home exercises, you are the one in charge of your whole workout plan and that can make things challenging in a number of ways. First, you’ll always be faced with distractions. Don't let family, guests, phoned, or television give you an excuse to not workout or stop your workout.
Second, you never know what to start with, how long you should take breaks (or even if you should, and even reps should I go along?
Third, you simply wonder if you are doing enough. Is it burning? Should your heart rate elevate?
To ensure you are able to complete your at-home workouts make a chart and analyze your exercise hours at the end of every week. That way, you could figure out what's working for you and what is not.
4) Shake Things Up
Some people might argue that it takes a bit of adjustment to get used to at-home exercises and that may be true sometimes. In gyms and fitness classes, you don’t have to think about what you’re going to do in the next half hour; you keep to a routine, go from machine to machine, or ask for assistance. But at home exercises are a little more thought-provoking. They require proper planning, adjustment, and execution.
We often get bored with following the same steps. So, try being creative and look for new ways you could move your body. This will give you a better idea of what you like and what you don’t. It can also help you devise your at-home exercise plan.
5) Look For Options
There are many reasons people like going to fitness clubs and gyms. Interacting with different people and learning their habits can open your mind and direct you to your goal. In a situation like this, you should:
- Look for online fitness communities
- Explore virtual fitness
- Talk to people about your at-home routine
- Acquire suggestions
- Look for personal support
6) Watch What You Eat (Diet)
You can’t think of losing weight or staying healthy while eating a poor diet (after all, it not only what you do but what you eat). At home exercise plans involve refueling your body after a light or tough routine. Taking in unhealthy foods or drinks can put all your hard work to waste. That is why you should consider choosing an at-home nutrition plan in conjunction with your at-home workout routine.
The thing is, you cannot go around blaming COVID for your untoned and reckless physique. I am sure it has played its part, but now is the time to make a change.
If you haven’t yet thought of a professional at home plan, you should rethink your health and your priorities. The abs you desire aren’t going to just drop from the sky. Follow the tips, build an at-home routine, and keep your goals in sight!