8 Balance Board Exercises You Should Try

balance board exercises

Flexibility and balance are two core necessities for a healthy and stable life. Many things can affect balance, such as injury, recovery from surgery, or ageing. When you have problems with your balance, it's far more likely that you're going to fall and injure yourself further. Amongst the elderly, the risk of falling is far more significant, and in this age group, there is a massive problem with fractured hips and associated issues. 

It’s no surprise that physicians are keen to help their patients improve their balance and flexibility, therefore strengthening their core and creating a far healthier outlook. There are several ways you can work to improve your balance, but a balance board is one of them. 

What Is A Balance Board? 

A balance board is a tool that can be used to increase balance and flexibility for those who need it. These can be used to carry out balance exercises for beginners or even seasoned athletes who want to focus on strengthening their core or recovery from injury or even surgery. 

It is a board which you stand on, which is slightly off-balance in itself. You then engage your core muscles and work through balancing board exercises to improve your overall balance and stability. The board can be likened to a see-saw somehow, giving you a slightly off-kilter sensation that you need to fight against to strengthen your skills. 

Exercises To Try With A Balance Board 

According to Niva MD, Most balance board exercises work your core muscles, your glutes, back, and the major muscles in your leg. By strengthening these significant muscles, you're able to stay upright and correct yourself far more quickly than otherwise. That is particularly important for older adults who may struggle with their balance due to illness, side effects from medication, or the general ageing process. 

1. Balanced Push-Ups 

Place the balance board on the floor and get down onto your knees. When you're ready, reach forward and place both your palms flat on the board and stretch your legs out behind you. Move up onto your tiptoes and make sure to keep your back straight. Then, lower your body down in a traditional push-up, pausing for a second and then pushing back up. 

2. Abdominal Exercises 

Balance and stability exercises are designed to work out the abdominal muscles as well as the back. 

Sit down on the board and make yourself comfortable. Cross your legs but make sure that your back remains as straight as possible. Once you're ready, slowly move your body around in a circle but only use your abdominal muscles. Pull in your stomach and make sure to use your core, not your back! Once you've moved one full rotation, alternate back the other way. Keep going for two minutes, or build up your time slowly. 

3. Forward, Backward, Or Side Tilt 

Many balance training exercises are done while standing on the board unaided, but at first, you can hold onto something, e.g. a stable chair or the wall, until you become more confident. 

The forward, backward, or side tilt can be done by standing on the board and keeping your back straight. When you’re ready, use your abdominal muscles (pull in your stomach) to move the board forwards, but don’t allow it to touch the floor. Then, move backwards and do the same. Once you're ready, move side to side, avoiding touching the floor. 

4. Squats 

Squats are one of the best exercises for improving balance and can be done very quickly on your balance board. Stand up straight on the board and wait until you feel stable. Then, slowly bend your knees and move downwards into a traditional squat position. Hold it for a few seconds, then return to standing, and be careful to keep your knees soft. Repeat for another ten seats. 

5. Single Foot Balance 

The single foot balance is one of the best beginner balance exercise options. All you need to do is stand on your balance board, keeping your back straight. To get the most out of the exercise, you need to avoid holding onto anything, but you can look at something that isn't moving to help keep you steady. Once you're ready, either bend one leg behind you or lift one leg to the side so that you're standing with one leg on the board. Hold it for a few seconds before changing legs and repeating. 

6. Around The Clock 

The around the clock exercise will strengthen your core, your hips, and your ankles. Stand comfortably on the balance board with your legs a slight distance apart. Keep your back straight and slowly move around the board in a circular motion, keeping your feet firmly where they are. Once you’ve completed one rotation, pause and move back around the other way. 

7. Calf Stretch & Raises 

Tight calves can be a problem when maintaining balance, so this is one of the best exercises for improving balance and overall stability. For this exercise, you need to step forwards and place one foot onto the board, moving so that it is just your heel that connects with the board. Keep the other on the floor. When you’re ready, gently tilt forward until you can feel the stretch that moves down your calf muscle. Wait a few seconds and then change legs. 

8. Half Moon 

The half-moon is one of the slightly more challenging balance board exercises. Stand with one foot on the board towards the front and the other in the middle. When you're ready, slowly lift one leg out behind you and slowly lower your body down so that your leg and body are in a straight line. Aim to hold the position for up to 20 seconds, working up to that level if you find it hard at first. 


These balance board exercises are ideal for beginners and intermediates alike. Slowly work up your tolerance by building time, perhaps starting at 5 seconds, up to 10 seconds, and then further if you can manage it. 

A balance board is an ideal option for anyone who wants to strengthen their balance and stability, regardless of age or ability level.

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