Demetri Benton has been in network marketing since 2005. She has a lot of internet marketing lessons for us in our new interview.
It is an honor to do this interview on internet marketing with you Demetri, and I appreciate you taking time to do it to discuss your network marketing business.
So, let’s get started on the internet marketing interview!
How old is your blog, how many posts do you have, and what keeps you blogging at the frequency that you do?
I am a new blogger actually. I have been blogging with my MLM business for approximately 7 months.
I started out blogging once or twice a week, but recently committed to blogging more often, five days a week minimum.
I am blogging at this frequency to build up my content and get noticed by the search engines.
How is the traffic to your blog and do you get leads consistently from your blog?
Being a new blogger, I don’t get a lot of traffic yet, but I know if I keep posting valuable content daily and driving traffic to my blog via YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Facebook those numbers will change.
You have been in network marketing since 2005. That is an amazing feat in itself. Has your experience been in one MLM or several, and what was one of the hardest lessons you learned from it?
I have been in several network-marketing companies. My first experience did not go well. I was an assistant to a Top Earner in an MLM company. She was also my upline. I provided office work for her in exchange for her building my downline.
Her business grew rapidly and of course, I thought mine would as well. I quit my job to pursue this full-time. I invested a lot of time, energy, and money into the business, but made nothing!
That was the hardest lesson I have ever learned—don’t quit your job too soon. I was broke, depressed and disillusioned.
I always thought MLM was a scam, but after I saw my Upline (who was also my neighbor) go from a struggling single mom of 5 kids to an MLM superstar in less than a year, I was impressed!
It was then that I saw the earning potential in Network Marketing.
Are you promoting just MLM training on your blog, or do you also promote an a network marketing opportunity?
I am currently promoting MLM training, but will eventually promote my primary opportunity as well.
What part of your blog generates the most Leads?
My free downloadable training. I am also working on an ebook to generate leads as well.
What has been the easiest SEO hack to implement on your blog that has proved beneficial?
Long tail keywords have helped me rank for very specific niches.
If someone is new to MLM and wants to do everything through blogging, what would you tell them?
I would definitely recommend blogging to a new MLMer.
Blogging brands you, not my network marketing company. It is a way for you to provide value to your prospects- building that know, like and trust factor.
You won’t need to do home parties, cold calls, or chase your family and friends. Blogging is an excellent way to generate leads for your business.
On your about page you mention you are an introvert. I am as well. How have you used your introversion inside network marketing, and is there a way introverts can truly succeed in MLM?
As an introvert, the thing I found most difficult in the MLM industry, was hosting or doing presentations at home parties.
I have joined several companies whose products I absolutely loved, but because I had to do home parties to build my business, it did not work out for me.
I now know what works for me and what does not. Because introverts love spending time alone blogging is perfect for them.
Video marketing is also an excellent choice. Building rapport with a prospects or lead is very important to introverts.
It is very unlikely for us to approach a total stranger at the mall or Walmart about our business opportunity.
Being an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t do network marketing or sales.
You just need to find your own unique way of doing it. Be relaxed and sincere when reaching out to others and you will attract success more easily.
What is your favorite social media platform to generate leads, and can you share one technique for lead generation?
Facebook – I create value through a videos or a blog post and direct them back to my Blog.
You get a lot of interaction from other MLM, affiliate, and internet bloggers. How did you create this network of bloggers who admire you?
We are a group of like-minded bloggers who inspire and support each other in our MLM businesses.
What are your goals for this year?
My Goals for now is to build a highly profitable home-business online and help others do the same with the multi-level marketing biz.
What’s your favorite business quote, and why?
“We Rise By Lifting Others” is my favorite business quotation. This quote is so powerful! I believe my life has meaning and purpose when I serve others.
Awesome Interview, Demetri! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interviewing session!