Why You Need A Night Guard

night guard importance bruxism mouthpiece teeth grinding jaw clenching

Since teeth grinding happens involuntarily, you may not know about it unless your partner tells you about it. The only symptoms you could develop from teeth-grinding include jaw pain and chronic headaches due to clenching. For an expert in night guard in Richmond contact Dr. Juan M. Carrillo for answers to your teeth clenching. A night guard could prevent wear and tear on your teeth that results from grinding at night. 


Bruxism describes the grinding of teeth which involves involuntarily moving of the jaw back and forth. Bruxism also involves clenching, which is the excessive biting force for a long time, causing strain on the jaws. Although bruxism could appear to be a harmless behavior, over time it could result in extensive damage on the tooth enamel, leading to decay and sensitivity. It might also result in neck, face, and jaw pain as you could be struggling to move the jaws back and forth at night. 

Predisposing Factors 

· Young children are at risk of bruxism. The condition could go away as they grow, but it persists for some people. 

· People with hyperactive behaviors might show natural competitiveness and aggression and are likely to develop bruxism. 

· Intense emotions such as anger, frustration, and intense stress could make people grind their teeth unconsciously. 

· Bruxism could be associated with other pre-existing problems such as Parkinson’s disease, sleep apnea, and epilepsy. 

· Bruxism could occur from the use of certain substances like tobacco, alcohol, and psychiatric medications. 

How To Stop Daytime Bruxism 

Since bruxism is an involuntary activity, day-time bruxism could occur due to anger, stress, anxiety, tension, and frustration. You might stop day-time bruxism by avoiding smoking and intake of too much alcohol. It could help if you reduce caffeine intake, as it leads to hyperactivity. You could use relaxation techniques like taking a hot bath, listening to gentle music, and meditation. 

How To Use A Night Guard 

A night guard is similar to the trays used to whiten teeth. They go over the teeth to prevent clenching and grinding. The device effectively prevents teeth damage at night that results from bruxism. Although the night guard may not entirely prevent clenching and grinding, it shields and cushions the teeth from excessive pressure. The night guard might also re-establish the natural space between the upper and lower teeth. Ignoring bruxism can adversely affect your dental health and it could increase the risks to cavities. 

It could help to go for a customized night guard which fits properly with your jawline and will not fall from the mouth. Moreover, a customized night guard could result in proper alignment which helps keep the teeth in the proper positions and reduce pain. You could choose the best material for your night-guard as compared to the over-the-counter versions. 

The Bottom Line On Beating Bruxism

Getting a night guard can be very beneficial if you have bruxism as it could help reduce grinding and clenching. Bruxism could predispose you to cavities, jaw problems, pain in the neck, and improper spacing. You should go for a customized night guard which fits well with your jaw to prevent it from falling from the mouth at night.

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