Contributed by Christie O., author of Average Moms Wear Capes and owner of Christie O. Media.
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I didn’t get to run the Miami ING Marathon or even half-marathon as you know (injury) but I was there to support my husband who did fantastic in it and he ran the marathon in 4:44, shaving 30 minutes off his previous time (go husband!) More pictures and video of that here.
So since I didn’t run it I don’t have a race report for the race but I did have a fabulous time as a spectator and I would have had many favorite things had I run it too.
Like the following:
First of all, this.
By the way, this is my uniform. I am probably wearing this right now.
I’m drinking bagged water.
Water in a bag.
It’s called “82GO” Purely Portable Purified Water and they were at the water stations in addition to the cups. You bite off the corner and you drink it, only it is sort of a small hole and I felt sort of like a hamster and predict that if I were running the race, I probably would have used the cups but who knows. It’s convenient to carry around though and it did taste good. And they were giving them out at the expo so we got to practice on them.
Husband says that during the race, people would bite off the corner, try to squirt themselves in the head (it was quite warm out!) and the stream of water would go right over them and straight into the person behind them. Which is sort of funny.
Then, I loved this. Had I raced, this would have been awesome.
That’s my race number. (Sniff. I did, however, get a really expensive free and pretty cool-looking dri-fit race shirt if that counts and I think it does.)
But what’s special about the race number is not that my name is on it (I do love those) but that it has a bar on the back of it and that’s your TIMING CHIP! HOW COOL IS THAT!?
No annoying number for the shoe! I thought that was brilliant personally. How did no one think of this before? A timing chip on the bib! Duh!
Anyway, so then it was race day.
And I kissed my husband and he went off to go run his race and the music started pumping up and they sang the national anthem and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and I had that feeling that you get before the gun goes off even though I wasn’t running and it briefly bought tears to my eyes and then they were off!
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with myself for the next 4 hours, I really was sort of a poor planner that way, so I looked up the route on my phone and found that they had cheering stations. And you could get to them from using the metro for just a few stops and the metro was free (bonus!) So I found my way to the metro and latched onto whoever looked not menacing (old people, chicks) and who were as lost as I was and eventually got to the cheering station at mile 10. (It was quite an adventure!)
More cowbell was needed and so I was there to give it to the runners. Everyone needs more cowbell.
Also, this guy showed up.
That’s quite a suit.
Eventually husband passed me and I yelled and he saw me and then I left to head back toward the finish line. Here was the crowd of runners coming up over the bridge toward me.
It was a sea of people for as far as the eye could see.
So I got lost once more on the metro but thankfully had latched on to 3 other lost people (safety in numbers), however when I eventually figured out where I was, I said my goodbyes to my new friends and remembered there was a Starbucks nearby where I found a plug and killed an hour charging up my electronics. I hate electronics. I love them when they are working and I hate them when they don’t. And they don’t more often than they do.
Anyways, so I made it back to the finish line!
He didn’t see me but I was there screaming my head off!
And that was that.
The Miami ING Marathon is seriously an amazingly organized race with cool swag and a way cool medal, even cooler technology like the race bib timing chips, a beautiful course and friendly fabulous people.
If you’re ever wondering if you should run it, yes. You should.
And then party down at South Beach afterward like we did. (Until the wee hours of 11:30 of course.)

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