By Marissa Bognanno, Professional Chef & Zumba Instructor, and Author of The Boot Blog
After I turned 25 I felt...old. For the first time in my life. It was like all of a sudden I had an eye wrinkle, extra winter pounds to lose and a lack of that youthful skip in my step. I knew immediately that I had to take better care of myself, from the inside, and that bad choices would reflect outwards in a way they didn’t before. It’s been about nine months now that I’ve stayed faithful to what I call, “the key three,” and I seriously feel like a million bucks.

[Balm Balm HIbiscus Face Mask, Grilled Halibut with Mango Avocado Salsa recipe]
Activity: I work out four times a week, and when I don’t, I can really feel a difference. It’s nothing too intense, just PIlates and Zumba, but it’s fun, and it feels good to move even when it’s freezing out. (Plus, duh, then you can eat as much as you want after!)
Eating habits: I started steaming, cutting back on sugar, using less salt and trying to avoid fats. Obviously I still have french fries, but only a couple times a month, not every week.
TLC: I’m all about natural beauty, but let’s face it, there’s a lot to maintain! Skin, hair, nails - I’m tired just thinking about it. That’s why I dedicate one day a week to doing some important upkeep like a face mask, a body scrub, and a good deep hair conditioning.
It’s the little changes that make the difference! What do you do to stay feeling young, fit and healthy?
P.S. For more tips to becoming “a better you,” visit la chapstick fanatique every Wednesday this month!
P.P.S. What do you think of the boot's new design? It's all thanks to the fabulous Ana and Lena at Blog Milk! They were so attentive and great to work with - if your blog needs a new design check them out!
P.P.S. What do you think of the boot's new design? It's all thanks to the fabulous Ana and Lena at Blog Milk! They were so attentive and great to work with - if your blog needs a new design check them out!
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