Yoga Blocks? 3 Things Preventing Yoga Practice

Yoga, it's an ancient art, the benefits of which are well documented both anecdotally and scientifically. Why then do we so often convince ourselves out of doing a regular yoga practice? Well, part of the reason is the human condition itself. It’s our monkey mind coming up with self-sabotaging excuses as to why this cleansing and balancing activity shouldn’t be performed. However, by identifying and working through the blocks to practice that are particular to us, we can gently encourage ourselves to stay on course, no matter what issues present themselves. With this in mind, check out some of the more common blocks and excuses below, and some ways in which to deal with them. 

I Don't Have Time! 

We live busy lives and finding the time for a regular yoga practice can be difficult, especially if you have fallen out of the habit. A good way of dealing with this issue is to try and not fall into the trap of all or nothing thinking. That means don't start stressing if you can't do an hours practice every day, and just give up doing it all together. Instead just do 5 minutes, you can find five minutes right? Sometimes 5 minutes of Yoga is all you need

Just five minute is all you need to get centered and take the principles of yoga with you through your day. Sometimes you can enjoy yourself so much in those five minute that it will encourage you to do a little longer in the next session. It's all about just meeting yourself where you are today with compassion

There Are Only Gym Classes Near Me! 

I fear that this excuse may be due to a case of Yogi snobbery. After all, just because a class is conducted in a gym or sports center, it doesn't mean that it has any less value than one organized on the beach or a studio. 

In fact, you can often find a yoga class that you desire for relaxing or spirituality in a sports center setting. The most important thing here is to at the teacher's credential and talk to them about their approach. Then, you will be able to glean a good idea of what their motivations are and whether these fit with what you are looking for.

I Don't Feel Up To It 

Sometimes we feel as if a yoga practice full of serious and advanced asanas will be too physically or emotionally draining to complete, and guess what? That is totally OK. 

In fact, many teachers suggest that if you are feeling physically ill, some asanas are best avoided. In addition, yoga is all about creating a sense of harmony with your own body, and if something feels too much physically or emotionally, then there is no shame in stopping. 

It also pays to remember here that yoga isn't all about inversions and handstands. In fact, completing a session of Savasana for relaxation and meditation can be as useful as working through a whole routine, especially when you aren't feeling on top form.

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