How To Detox While Staying Happy And Healthy

frugal fitness healthy detox

We all know them, we’ve all seen them. Those work colleagues who are always on some detox or another. They habitually starve themselves, they come into works in outbreaks of spots, they’re grouchy and irritable and for all their self-brutalizing they never actually seem to lose any weight. In what seems like the blink of an eye they’re back to the same (or even worse) eating habits and making dubious claims that detoxing, or any form of modifying your diet, simply doesn’t work. 

The truth is that detoxing does work (our bodies do it all the time- it’s almost as though our lives depend on it), it’s just that many people are just doing it wrong. There’s no need to eschew a healthy diet for ritual starvation, even if the teas and juices that many of us drink while detoxing are packed with nutrients. Here we’ll look at some ways in which you can keep your body healthy and free of contaminants without starving it, all while losing weight, having higher energy levels and generally feeling great.

Helping Your Body To Detox 

Many people are unaware of this but your body detoxifies itself over time. That is what your liver and kidneys are for! Even your skin and lungs can help to rid the body of harmful toxins. In this light our priority should be ensuring that we eat and drink foods that will keep these organs functioning as we should if we expect our bodies to remain free of contaminants. 

That’s not to say that teas regularly referred to as detox teas aren’t healthy or beneficial, they absolutely are! For instance, check out this fit tea review. You’ll find lots of healthy ingredients like matcha green tea which helps to boost your metabolism, ginger and lemon juice which are proven thermogenics, and rooibos which is rich in anti-inflammatories. These are all great ingredients and the tea in question has undeniable health benefits. 

Better still, the manufacturer recommends matcha tea it as part of a program of good nutrition and regular exercise. However, when used as a food substitute, the benefits of drinking such teas are offset by the effects of calorie deprivation. 

Man Shall Not Live By Juice Alone 

Liquid diets are never, ever, ever a good idea. What little weight loss they may facilitate is guaranteed to be short lived as most of it will be due to water loss (since those on juice diets are frequently visiting the bathroom). What few health benefits your body will be able to get from the nutrients (that it won’t be able to process adequately on a purely liquid diet) will be offset by headaches, loss of concentration, irritability, feeling faint or woozy and generally having a terrible time. Again, that’s not to say that the juices themselves are bad. But they should supplement a healthy diet, not supplant one. 

Double Detox

Let the right stuff in and keep the wrong stuff out The simple truth is that we don’t need to punish our bodies to keep them healthy. A healthy diet is more than adequate to keep our body’s natural detoxifiers working as they should. Steering clear of contaminants like smoking and excessive alcohol intake is a no-brainer as is steering clear of fatty, sugary processed foods. Eschewing these for a whole foods, mostly (or entirely) plant based diet accompanied by healthy teas and plenty of water is all the detoxing you need!

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I hope you enjoyed this article about how to avoid over-hyped detoxes while still losing weight and improving performance.

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