Enjoy another free healthy frugal meal plan of around 1,950 calories that will help you stay lean and won't break the bank. This one is very high in protein so it's perfect for weightlifters and bodybuilders of all types.
- Kashi 7 Whole Grain Cereal Bananas, Blueberries, Pecans, and Unsweetened Almond Milk
- Glass of Trop50 Immune Defense Orange Juice
- Skim Milk and Vega Protein Powder Scoop
- Multivitamin / Multimineral
- Green Tea Extract Capsule
Snack #1:
- Whey Protein Powder in filtered water
- Pear
- 2-3 Slices Grilled Chicken Breast, Piece of Cheese, Tomato Slice, Lettuce, 1 teaspoon fat free mayonnaise on Wheat Bread
- Cup of Green Tea
- 1 large Wasa whole grain cracker
Snack #2:
- Apple Pie Protein Smoothie
- Lentil and cauliflower tacos with taco sauce, lettuce, tomato
- 1/2 Cup Quinoa with garlic salt
- Decaf Green Tea
Snack #3:
- 12 oz cup unsweetened soy milk
I hope you enjoyed this free healthy meal plan to help you stay fueled and full on a frugal budget.
Interested in more free healthy meal plans and nutrition articles?
Read My Posts:
- Why You Should Learn To Love Tea
- 3 Ways To Live A Healthier Life
Stay Frugal & Fit My Friends!
Frugal Fitness
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