No matter your lifestyle, trying to stay healthy and on a regular fitness regimen can prove to be a struggle. Life tends to get in the way in lieu of meetings, family events, taking care of the kids, and housework. But did you know that you can change the way your home is designed to make it fitness-friendly? Take a look at these home design tips to create a fitness-friendly home.
Make Home Projects And Housekeeping A Workout
Sometimes the roadblock for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is taking on too making household chores and projects. Why not multitask and make the home projects and housekeeping a workout within itself?
Turn your landscaping work or home painting job into a great workout by adding some extra energy into the work. Try getting your tasks done as fast as you can to work up a sweat, or even add in some squats as you do the laundry. You’d be surprised at how effective it can be for an added workout.
Take on your home projects with a grain of salt though, and be sure to call in the pros with your home warranty if you need a helping hand. While tinkering around the house can be a good workout, you wouldn’t want to injure yourself in the act.
Have A Dedicated Exercise Room
Another thing standing in your way to getting in a good workout in is trying to find the time to go to the gym or finding an exercise class that works within your busy schedule. Cut out the travel time and the chore of working in exercise into your schedule by creating a room dedicated to exercise. Then find your favorite free workout online and you’ll be living a healthier lifestyle in no time.
Keep Your Pantry Stocked With Healthy Snacks
When we get busy and hungry, we all tend to just grab whatever is in the house. More often than not, that ends up being unhealthy food options like salty snacks and carbs. Next time you go to the grocery store, stock up on healthy alternatives to your favorite snacks to make sure you are tempted to reach for the high sugar and high carb options that will set you up for failure.
Use Smaller Plates When Eating
Tricking your mind into eating less can be a lot easier than you think. Did you know it takes up to 20 minutes for your stomach to realize it’s full? Take advantage of those smaller plates in your kitchen when making a meal to trick your mind into thinking you’ve created a full plate of food, just a smaller plate. Then, if you think you are still hungry, give yourself a few minutes to allow your stomach to digest your food before going in for seconds.
Take Advantage Of A Large Backyard
If you have a large backyard, make the most of it by creating a garden, playing fetch with the dog, or getting the whole family outside for some fun activities instead of staying cooped up indoors. You will get a generous dose of vitamin D and you’ll work up a sweat just by being outside and active with the ones you love most.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the best design tips for a fitness-friendly home and an effective affordable home gym.
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