As we all know exercise is very essential to maintain the fitness of a man, similarly penis exercise is also very helpful to increase the size of the penis in a better way. It is a dream of every person to have a big and strong penis, as longer and wider dick can build self-confidence in the man which is very helpful for the satisfaction of life. There are lots of things available in the market to increase the size of the penis like different types of pills, many types of herbs, some oils, penis extenders and penis pump. These things are very helpful to increase the size of the penis especially the penis extenders, penis extenders help the lots to increase the size of the penis.
But sometimes these dong increasing solutions do not show proper result and failed in their working. When the above-mentioned things failed to show the result of those different types of penis exercises like jelqing takes place.
There is lots of penis exercise which are very helpful to increase the size of the penis. Jelqing is one of them; it is also the type of a penis exercise which is used to gain the size of the penis. If you cannot understand the way of jelqing then there are lots of video of jelqing available in the YouTube. But be careful if you always watch the real video of the penis jelqing because, in some videos they show you the banana in place of the penis, this will misguide you. Instead you should rely on this professional report for definitive jelquing information.
After watching that video, one thing that will come into your mind that you just have to massage your penis for a few minutes and you has successfully jelq. But the fact is that it is the penis enlargement exercise like another exercise involves the warming up, performing sets and repetitions in a certain fashion.
Types Of Penis Exercise
Internal Stretching Step-By-Step Exercise
In this penis exercise, sit down and spread your legs and then make the "OK" sign with the help of your thumb and fingers and place your penis in it in such a way that your penis and testicles hang on it. Stretch your penis and testicles in the upper direction, toward your upper body. In one hand grab your penis while on the other hand grip your testicle part and stretch them and pull it in a way that the inactive tissues start to become activate and continue this process for 20 seconds.
Jai Stretching Step-By-Step Exercise
In this jelqing exercise for better sexual health, stretch your penis for two seconds and after that release the penis for two seconds and repeat this step again and again until you reach your cock's desired repetition. This is one of the simple penis enlargement exercises but it shows a very good result because this exercise is very helpful to increase the size of the penis.
Leg Tuck Pull Stretching Step-By-Step Exercise
This is the complex type of jelqing exercise, its one repetition complete between 20 to 30 seconds. In this exercise bend forward and let your penis hang low, reach behind your back and grip your penis just beneath your testicles part. Pull your penis directly back and upwards, towards your rear end to improve your penile performance.
Grow Your Penis Size Naturally And Safely With Jelqing
Increasing penis length or improving girth doesn't have to require risky medical procedures or dangerous pills. With Jelqing male member massages, you can increase how long and wide your dick can get safely and naturally while flaccid or erect.