If you have been curious about starting a yoga practice, but you aren’t quite sure if it’s for you, you need to look at these amazing health benefits of yoga. Not only is yoga amazing for toning up your abs, legs, and arms, but it is incredible for your overall well-being.
Yoga is an ancient practice that was created in India to bring a union between the mind and the body. With all the stressors in the world today, it is more important than ever to have a consistent mental health care regiment to ensure you aren’t suffering from symptoms of stress or overwhelm.
Adding yoga into your fitness routine can be a great way for you to strengthen your resistance to stress. There are a number of benefits to practicing yoga, and you don’t need to be able to touch your head to your toes to get those benefits!
Yoga Helps You Get More Flexible
Flexibility is vital for maintaining proper health, but it is, unfortunately, something that people often overlook. It can be easy to focus on strength or cardio, but ensuring that your body stays flexible is also incredibly important for your body’s health.
As you age, your body starts losing muscle strength. It also starts losing its suppleness, causing all those stiff joints that old people always complain about. However, part of this is because they don’t have enough range of motion in their joints.
Adding greater flexibility to your body allows you to prevent injuries like muscle tears and the aches and pains. Flexibility is measured as the ability of your body to perform the full range of motion. It is generally required for daily activities like walking and bending.
However, flexibility is incredibly important because it prevents joint and muscle fatigue. Being flexible also helps you improve your posture and reduce your muscle soreness.
When you stretch, even if you are just doing yoga at home, you reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall physical performance.
Yoga Helps You Breathe Better
Most people don’t think about breathing too much. They think it is simply a bodily function that should be done without worrying it too much.
Yoga, even yoga at home, can help you understand the important effects of yoga on your mind and body. Deep breathing practices help you relax your mental state, which in turn tells your body that it is okay to relax. This can help reduce the amount of cortisol in your body. It can also help you stay more flexible.
Deep breathing is generally a part of every yoga practice because it allows the movement of energy throughout the body and helps the body relax. The modern era has caused our bodies to become overly stiff, but breathing through the yoga poses can open the body to relax, opening you to a healthier emotional state.
Where Do You Find Yoga At Home?
If you are just beginning your yoga journey, the best place to find yoga at home is at Glo. Glo has 300 different classes for beginners and 15 different programs for you to learn all about breathing techniques and the different poses.
The reason why Glo is the perfect place to start your journey is that they understand that everyone’s yoga practice is unique to them. Whether you have never worked out before or you are just looking to increase your flexibility, Glo has classes for you.
They focus on teaching you the basic poses and techniques to help you feel inspired while still getting all the health benefits of yoga. Glo even comes with a free two-week trial!
Giving You A Unique Online Yoga Experience of A Lifetime
Glo is a yoga online treat which is designed for real people. In case you are a busy mom, you can benefit from the quick morning energy boost, or if you are a traveler, you can relax with the yoga nidra before falling asleep. You can work up a sweat with the advanced vinyasa flow or learn the basics of the accessible beginner classes. It does not matter the level of experience, aspirations, and life stage from mid-day calm at work to prenatal strength.
With Glo, you can develop your yoga online practice, which is unique. Glo Yoga Online for Beginners You can embark on a lifelong adventure with some of the top-notch yoga teachers. This is inclusive of over 300 classes together with 15 programs which have been designed to help beginners. This way, you can create your practice, which is unique. Beginning a new practice is a welcoming feeling for yourself. At Glo, it is understood that as a beginner, it does not matter the size which fits all. You create introductory classes that cater for all levels, aspirations, and stages. This is whether you are a highly active member who is new to the world of yoga. It also establishes a movement practice for your first tie to help you learn the basic techniques and poses in an inspiring and accessible manner. Building an all-rounded practice through various styles.
Some of the styles that you can take up as a beginner at Glo include:
Level 1: Slow and simple, Vinyasa flow with Stephanie Synder Level 1: Everyday tune-up, Hatha with Jo Tastula
Level 1: No arms overhead, Vinyasa flow with Jason Crandell
Level 1: Relaxed shoulders, open chest, Restorative with Taylor Harkness
Level 1: Yen practice to prep for sleep, Yin with Tiffany Cruikshank
Level 1: Rest your seat, Yin with Felicia Tomasko 4 Yoga Beginner Styles
Yoga Hatha
Yoga Restorative
Yoga Vinyasa Flow
Yoga Conditioning
Experience Online Meditating with Glo Yogi Lessons
Glo has over 500 meditation classes which are taught by some of the best teachers. The meditation is inclusive of a broad range of techniques which train your mind while focusing on your awareness. This includes mantra chanting to guide visualization to breathe work and mindfulness. This is some of the ways which you can experience the stress-relieving, calming benefits of regular meditation. In case you are a beginner, you don't need to worry about how to sit up since the seasoned instructor while guiding you in the process. In the end, you will develop your practice, which is unique. There are various meditation videos which offer in-depth visual instruction with the audio meditations making it easier for you to have your practice on the go. You can alternatively use your app to download sessions and even listen offline. The vision of Glo is to create a world in which we all live to our true potential.
The firm's mission is creating intelligent tools which challenge people to live a fulfilling life. You will be able to listen to your inner calling while nurturing your curiosity and wonder. At the end of the process, you will illuminate your mind while inspiring your heart. You can connect with your favorite yoga online classes, even with your busy schedules through any devices. You can practice at home or even on the go with some of the best yoga and meditation teachers around the world. You can access these services through iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, web, and Watch.
Get Glo'in And Get Goin!
All beginners, in addition, have a 15-day trial which grants access to a wide range of classes. You can make use of the Glo iOS app in downloading the various courses in yoga, meditation, and pilates.