How Compression Sleeves Help With Tendinitis

how compression sleeves help with tendinitis elbow pain

Tendinitis is a very common condition which is known to cause an inflammation of the tendon. Tendon is the fibrous cord that connects the muscles to bones. Tendons are present in the knees, wrist, heels, shoulders, and elbows. But it can happen anywhere in the body. In many cases, tendinitis lasts only for as short time, but if you aren’t lucky then it can escalate into a chronic condition. Not just that, but tendinitis can also end up limiting your flexibility or range of movement. That’s where compression sleeves come in. Wearing the best elbow sleeve for tendinitis can eliminate the pain and discomfort associated with this health condition. Below, we’ll explore the causes of tendinitis and how compression sleeves can help! 

What Causes Tendinitis? 

- Carrying out repetitive movements. 
- Carrying out high force movements in the muscles and tendons. 
- Engaging in excessive muscle stretching. 
- Doing very fast or jerky movements. 
- Being in awkward postures or positions for a long time. 
- Reduction in the muscle strength which increases stress on tendons. 
- Not getting enough rest after an injury or resuming exercise before the tendons and muscles fully recover. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Tendinitis? 

If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should know that you have already been hit by tendinitis. 


It is generally described as a dull ache, especially when the affected joint or limb is being moved. 


There is tenderness in the joints or limbs where tendinitis occurs, thus it causes impeding movement. Moreover, carrying out daily work can become harder. 

Mild Swelling 

Your limbs and joints can also swell up due to the problem. This can make regular activities both difficult and painful to carry out. 

How Do Compression Sleeves Help With Tendinitis? 

Compression helps in alleviating the symptoms of tendinitis. This is done by increasing the blood flow during workouts or during the period of recovery. Thus, it is known to improve the nutrient and oxygen levels in the body. This results in increased recovery rates and reduced muscle soreness. Not just that, but compression also helps in stabilizing muscles, including those of muscle vibrations which can affect tendons. 

But you should keep in mind that compression won't actually heal tendinitis, it can only help with the symptoms. Also wearing compression gear will be able to prevent tendinitis by improving blood flow and stabilizing the muscles so as to prevent strain and stress along with swelling. This is important in sports as players are more prone to the said condition. For example, it is needed by people who are into tennis, weightlifting and other such physical activities where there is a repetitive stress or motion in the tendons.

Keep Up With Compression 

Wearing compression sleeve once you are done with your workout can keep the blood flowing. Along with that it will also help in eliminating other substances like lactic acid which causes muscle soreness in the body. 

As such compression sleeves help in maintaining blood flow and it reduces strain so that huge amounts of pressure isn't put on the major points. It allows players to stay in the game for long and play without minimal injuries. Therefore, you should not neglect the need of a compression sleeves.

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