Cockroaches: 5 Weird Facts

cockroaches weird facts pest removal

Many of us are knowledgeable of the safety threats involved with roaches, such as allergies and asthma caused by their allergens, and the bacteria that have been proven to multiply. What might not be too well recognized is the fact that cockroaches are fascinating and persistent pests that show some very unusual actions and survival techniques. 

No one expects to see a cockroach strolling beneath the refrigerator as the light switch is on. Such creatures are not really revered. You are about to read five fascinating facts about cockroaches. Enjoy! 

1. Cockroaches Survive Even After Being Beheaded 

Chop their head off, and you will see after weeks later, it stays alive wiggling its legs.  Ironically, their head isn't all that relevant to fully function. Cockroaches have accessible circular systems, thus as long as the wound clots normally, they are not susceptible to bleeding. 

Indeed, this is one of the crazy wtf facts about cockroaches. They breathe through the spirals on the sides of the body. Sooner or later, the headless cockroach either dehydrates or succumbs to mold. 

2. Cockroaches Prefer Being Touched 

Cockroaches are thigmotropic, indicating they want to have something firm contacting their body. They check for holes and gaps, fitting into spaces that give them the ease of a close fit. The tiny German roach could fit into a gap as thin as a penny, while the bigger American roach would fit into an area not more than a quarter thick. 

Even a pregnant roach can handle a crevice that is as slim as two coins. Roaches, too, are social creatures, choosing to live in multigenerational nests that can vary from a couple of bugs to a dozen. Study shows, roaches that do not share the company with others might become sick or unable to copulate. 

3. They Can Be Trained 

Mizunami and Watanabe, two Japanese scientists, discovered that cockroaches could be trained as pets. A scent of coffee or peppermint was introduced only before the cockroaches were offered a sweet treat. Sooner or later, the cockroaches will drool anytime their antennae sensed one of those fragrances in the breeze. 

4. Cockroaches Can Hold Their Breath For A Long Time 

Amazing right? Though it can seem unlikely, research has shown that roaches may hold their breath for 40 minutes and can live submerged for 30 minutes. The tendency of a cockroach to stop breathing for a prolonged time is assumed to be the product of water depletion control. 

Unlike humans, roaches do not use their mouths for breathing but instead use tiny loops called spiracles in their bodies. They are often used to move water vapor off of their bodies if they choose to save water, they can hold the tubes sealed. 

5. Most Cockroaches Are Not Pests 

When we think of roaches, most of us imagine it seeing in a dark, stinky city residence lashing down with cockroaches. Very few roach species occupy human habitations. We know about 4,000 types of cockroaches on the earth, most of them inhabiting trees, tunnels, caverns, or brush. Only about 30 species want to stay where humans reside. 

Keep Clean To Avoid Cockroaches 

These findings show that cockroaches are some of the most flexible animals on earth, rendering it much more challenging to manage and eradicate cockroach infestation. To eliminate cockroaches in your household, experts recommend keeping your foods packed and properly stored, specifically in the kitchen, which must be cleaned regularly to avoid scraps and garbage from piling up. 

Trash will be disposed of daily and placed in locked bins. Households will check and repair all leaks and holes in houses, particularly entry points for utilities and tubes, since they may serve entry points for the parasite. The garages and creeping areas will be held well ventilated and clean to prevent pests

Cockroaches should be taken seriously. If they can survive a nuclear blast then you can't underestimate them as a disgusting disease-spreading household pest.

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