If you are a single working mom and feeling stressed about your finances, you are not alone.
According to recent research, the financial hardships on single working parents can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, paranoia, and even suicide.
Being a single parent is hard enough, as you never feel like you get your life to yourself anymore. Add financial problems to the mix, and it can be scary though for many.
The last thing you want to do is have your child feel neglected, or even worse, responsible for your stress.
So the problem is, what can you do as a single working mom to feel more financially abundant? The sooner you get control of your finances, the sooner you can get back to enjoying your life.
Thankfully, we created this article to help you solve those financial problems for working moms. Keep on reading to learn how you can feel better about money, and feel like a financially empowered single mom!
Look For Affordable Housing
Sometimes as a single working mom, we can get caught up in being the hardworking provider and strong independent woman. Eventually, we may forget about letting others step in and help us out.
This is where the community excels in and can help us during financial hardships. Nearly every city has a department with assistance for housing. Look into financial housing assistance in your area and see what help you can get.
Let Go Of The Guilt
As a single working mom, there is a lot of pressure to provide for your child on top of your personal needs. This can create a lot of guilt and shame for many mothers as they get stuck financially.
Seek free counseling and learn how to let go of the guilt and shame, as it will only hinder your results for increasing your financial success. While being in the vibration of guilt, you are preventing certain financial help such as the ability to get approved for loans.
Join A Group Of Other Single Working Mothers
You may have heard the phrase before that it takes a village to raise a child, and that couldn't be more true in the life of a single working mom. Reach out to other mothers, single or not, and seek assistance, emotional support, and even childcare breaks for each other when needed.
Look At Your Budget
You may be spending more than you need to, so adding up a detailed list of what you are spending money on will help you to save more in the long run.
Create two lists, an essential list, and a non-essential list.
In the essential list, include items such as:
• Diapers
• Groceries
• Gas
• Housing
• Child's essential expenses such as school uniforms, school supplies, etc.
In the non-essential list include items such as:
• Cable
• Eating out
• Entertainment
• Gym membership (can be done at home with Frugal Fitness)
Be honest with your lists and check-in with yourself if the item is essential or non-essential as a single working mother.
Learn More About Financial Assistance For A Single Working Mom
There you have it: financial freedom for the taking for single moms! A detailed guide on how to financially succeed as a single working mom. Remember to take one financial point and work on that first before moving to a new idea.
If you found this article helpful, check out more like this under the Frugal Finances section of our blog.