8 Proven Ways to Keep Bathrooms Mold-Free

proven ways prevent mold in bathroom remove black molds shower mildew

Do you see a dark, nasty substance around your tub and shower tiles? You may have mold.

Mold is a fungus that’s found in many areas of your home. One of the most common places it lives and breeds is in your bathroom.

Mold thrives in moist and warm conditions. When it grows, it spreads into the air producing mold spores. Mold forms on surfaces and even gets into your HVAC vents. 

It's essential to remove mold as soon as it strikes before it spreads to your walls and ceilings. Here's how to prevent mold in the bathroom.

Why Mold Forms in the Bathroom

Bathrooms contain moisture. It doesn't matter if your bathroom is new or old; they accumulate moisture and get warm from shower water. But if you reduce the moisture in your bathroom, it can prevent mold from appearing on your bathroom's surfaces.

While it may not remove moisture completely, you can certainly slow it down. By drying up moisture, you can prevent mold growth or slow it down if mold has formed in your bathroom. Here's what to know about mold.

Can You Get Sick From Mold?

Mold can make family members ill when it gets bad. However, not all people will get sick from mold. It depends on their immune systems.

Mold usually affects people with weak respiratory and immune systems. These folks are prone to getting sick from mold and are at risk.

Does anyone in your family suffer from allergies or asthma? Then they could be sensitive to mold.

Often, susceptibility to mold depends on your age. An elderly person may react to the presence of mold, and a younger person may be immune.

When people age, their immune systems can get weaker, especially when they suffer from health conditions and the mold is toxic if it's black mold. However, if your relative has cancer at any age, their immune system is weaker than a healthy individual.

Mold Exposure Warning Signs

Here are some warning signs for people who have been exposed to mold:

  • They get a fever
  • Their nasal passages are congested
  • They rub their eyes due to eye irritation
  • They have shortness of breath
  • They experience regular wheezing or heavy breathing
  • Their skin gets irritated

Often, the symptoms people experience due to mold mirror flu symptoms. But if you or a family member has these signs and you have mold in your home, see a medical professional.

Your doctor can rule out the flu with a flu test. Then send you to an infectious diseases specialist if necessary. Once you figure out if there's mold in your home, here are some ways to prevent it from returning.

Remove Mold With a Fan

To prevent mold or to remove it from your bathroom, you need a good fan. A good venting fan is the first defense against humidity and mold.

Check your vent to make sure it's working properly. Vents work by removing moisture and sending it outside the building. 

Make sure your vent is large enough for your bathroom. You shouldn't have a vent for a small bathroom installed in a big one.

You can check the fan's CFM; this stands for cubic feet per minute. You can measure your fan's strength with some simple multiplication.

If you have an 8-foot ceiling, multiple the square footage by 1.1. If your fan is 9 feet, multiply the square footage by 1.5 to get the appropriate measurement.

If you'd rather call a professional to take care of the job for you, ask an HVAC specialist to check if your vent in your bathroom needs to be replaced.

Run Your Fan Properly

You can help prevent mold growth by turning on your fa, but you need to run it long enough. Some people only turn their vents on while they're taking a shower, but you should leave it on after you get out of the tub for at least 30 minutes.

The reason: Humidity stays in the air long after you turn off the shower faucet. Residual moisture can form on the ceiling and the walls and turn into mold.

Try setting a timer. If you spend 15 minutes in the shower, set the timer to 45 minutes. This way, you won't need to return to the bathroom to turn it off.

Wipe Water Down With a Clean Squeegee or a Cleaning Sponge

A squeegee and sponge are your friends. They help prevent mold in bathrooms by removing excess moisture and water from inside your shower. When cleaning your shower with a squeegee or sponge, ensure it's clean.

Wash it out with soap and water when you're done and squeeze the water out of it. These two items not only make your bathroom look neat and clean, but they're also a great defense against the formation of mold.

Dry Out Your Loofah and Bathing Sponges

We often don't think about drying out our loofahs in the shower that exfoliate our skin to look so smooth. But loofahs, as well as sponges and our shampoo bottles, can attract moisture and mold. 

After your shower, make sure to wipe down shampoo and conditioner bottles. Lift them up to clean them.

Underneath plastic bottles become a breeding ground for mold. Make sure to throw away your loofah and replace it when it starts looking gnarly.

Wash Towels and Bath Mats

Another breeding ground for mold is your bathroom towels, toilet seat covers, non-slip bath mats, and bath mats. Mold loves to form on these pretty bathroom accessories. You may have seen spots form on them when you haven't washed them in a while. 

Make sure to wash towels, mats, and toilet seat covers once a week. Keeping them clean and fresh will keep the environment healthy.

Fix Leaky Faucets or Pipes

Have a leaky pipe or faucet in your shower or sink? Well, that's a perfect place for mold to hang out and grow.

Check your bathroom fixtures for a dripping faucet or leaky pipe to fix the problem before it gets worse. An easy fix that will prevent mold growth is simply to call your plumber immediately.

How to Prevent Mold in Bathrooms for a Healthy Environment

Now you know the secrets about how to prevent mold in bathrooms or remove mold that has already formed. Get these nasty spores before they can get your home.

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