There are many pdf to ppt conversion tools in the market right now; however, a time may come when you urgently need to convert such files in a short time frame. There's no other tool out there that can do a better job than what PDFBear offers.
Gone are the times when you need to retype everything to a separate document that may waste numerous hours depending on the quantity. This tool converts the document fast and easy. Listed below is a quick and easy way to convert pdf documents into a PowerPoint presentation in less than a minute.
Two Ways to Import The File
In converting from PDF to PPT, users can import the files to the online tool in two ways. The first method is to click the file from your device, drag it to the empty box provided, and drop it there. Another way to do it is to upload the files from your device manually. First, you need to click "Select Files" to open the folder containing the document and click "Open".
Download The Finished Product
The download time is under one minute because PDFBear is a fast resource to convert. A "Download" button is displayed on your screen if your new file, the PowerPoint format, is ready to be downloaded. Press the button and receive the finished product of the converted file.
Benefits Of Converting The File
A Portable Document Format, or known as a PDF, is famous for its great accessibility for file viewing, shareability, and printing. On the other hand, PPT is a Windows PowerPoint format extension mainly used for document presentations.
Even though a pdf file is difficult to modify because it's a read-only file, you can convert a file to a ppt document. By doing so, you can use video, audio, and other necessary effects to have a better visual impact on its audience. A ppt presentation is more pleasing to the eyes than a pdf file, thus rendering its users more engaged in the document, focusing their attention on it.
Converting The PDF Document To A PPT Format
PDBear doesn't require its users to enter their email address or register as a member. All they need to do is select and upload a PDF file, and after you do so, it would immediately start converting. The conversion monitoring system is always available as the status of the conversion file is determined. This may also be converted into different formats.
Upon selecting a file, you want to convert it to a specific format and select the "convert PDF to PPT" found in the center of the box on the online tool. After that, you only wait for a few seconds, and then your designated file will be processed and converted. PDFBear also provides tools that transform files with high-precision outputs.
Advantages Of Using PDFBear
One of the advantages of using this online converter service is that it's compatible with any mobile device that runs on Android. Moreover, it is also entirely suited for Windows, Mac, and Linux OS operating systems.
Furthermore, PDFBear ensures that your data is encrypted for a secure conversion in the level of protection, safety, and privacy. The servers would immediately erase the documents you have imported after an hour. The relationship with Solid Documentation also ensures the fastest conversions from PDF to PPT.
In a particular instance, when you drastically need a pdf to ppt converter, PDFBear offers all the flexibility and convenience needed for PowerPoints. The best part about the online tool is that you don't have to subscribe or register as a member to access the pdf to ppt converter. Even though it's free, PDFBear still maintains its standards when providing services of the highest quality for Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, JPEG, and other file types.