It's all about the improper use of medicines and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Onychomycosis is a fungus affecting the nail plates of the hands and feet. It is due to microsporidia and molds. Most often, nail fungus is the result of untreated skin fungus.
Moreover, the defeat of the nail plates of the feet is more common than on the hands. The thing is that the feet are constantly sweating. After all, they are always in shoes, socks, or stockings. Because of this, moisture accumulates, the temperature rises, and the fungus actively begins to multiply under such conditions.
Typically, the prevalence of fungal infections increases with age. People with diabetes and people who vape are especially susceptible to this disease as vaping confines the circulation in the body. Therefore, before you start the treatment, quit all such products, e.g., nasty juice e-liquid, which may hinder the treatment.
How To Treat Nail Fungus?
Fungus treatment can be both local and systemic. It all depends on the degree of damage to the nail plate. If less than half of the nail is affected by the fungus, then local treatment is better. If more than half of the nail is affected and more than 3 nails are affected by the fungus, systemic therapy is prescribed.
1. Systemic Treatment
Systemic treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after a complete examination. First, it is necessary to diagnose the culture of microorganisms then get treatment. In this case, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs for internal and external use.
2. Antifungal Drugs
If fungus in the nail is less than 50%, it is sufficient to use antifungal drugs for external use. But they also need to be applied correctly. The effectiveness of treatment reduces to zero if medicine is not correctly applied.
The main thing to remember is that nail fungus is very difficult to treat and takes a long time. It may take 6 months for some, and more than a year for others. It all depends on the degree of nail damage.
If antifungal solutions are used to treat onychomycosis, they must be applied daily in the morning and the evening. If varnishes are used for treatment, they are applied 1-2 times a week.
Why Treatment Turns Ineffective?
Unfortunately, most people do not follow through with the treatment. Some forget while others give it less importance. The result is one - the nail remains affected. As a result, the treatment turns out to be ineffective. Therefore, to cure a nail fungus, you need to be patient.
The following points will you get effective results:
1. Remove The Affected Nail
Before applying the product, it is necessary to remove the artificial nail's and damaged part as much as possible with scissors and a nail file. Always keep the instruments clean. After use, wash the instruments with soap and alcohol.
2. Apply Medicine On Dry Nail
Apply medicine to the dry surface of the nail. After you have washed your feet (hands) or made baths, you need to wait until they dry. The thought that if you apply an antifungal agent to the steamed skin, then it will be better absorbed is mistaken. Remember: the fungus loves a humid environment and does not survive in a dry environment.
Hygiene For Treatment Of Onychomycosis
Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the legs is one reason for the development of a fungal infection. In a humid environment, the fungus multiplies quickly and actively. This is why it is so important to keep your feet dry at all times. To do this, the following hygiene rules must be observed:
• Wash your feet twice a day with cool water, using laundry or tar soap.
• Make foot baths with a decoction of oak bark. Oak bark tannins reduce perspiration and prevent fungal infections. Soda baths also help prevent fungal infections.
• Soda creates an alkaline environment by killing fungi and bacteria that thrive in a mostly acidic environment.
• Treat shoes with special sprays. Use acetic acid to disinfect the inner surface of the shoes and prevent re-infection with the fungus.
• Socks, stockings, tights must always be clean. Don't re-wear socks that you've already worn.
Note that for the successful and safe treatment of onychomycosis, a reliable diagnosis must be made. Medicines should not be used unless laboratory confirmation is available, as the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.