Altered blood sugar levels pose a high risk of developing nerve, eye, and kidney conditions. If you are battling diabetes, you require round-the-clock care and information to help manage your condition. Your leading Sanford family medicine experts at Lake Family Medicine & Imaging are board-certified to offer quality diagnosis and treatment services for patients who have diabetes.
Diabetes 101
Diabetes, commonly known as diabetes mellitus, is a group of diseases that alters glucose conversion (blood sugar) in your body into energy, causing high blood sugar. The different types of diabetes There are different types of diabetes, including;
1. Prediabetes
Prediabetes is the condition that occurs when you suffer from increased blood sugar levels but are not diagnostically classified as a Type 2 diabetes patient.
2. Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a condition where your body does not produce insulin. Research medical experts believe an autoimmune disorder causes type 1 Diabetes. The disease attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in your pancreas, decreasing the production of insulin. Type 1 diabetes usually starts in childhood and is also known as juvenile diabetes.
3. Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. The condition occurs when your body becomes insulin-resistant. Even though your body produces insulin, it is not used correctly to break down glucose into energy. The primary cause of Type 2 diabetes is unhealthy lifestyle habits and obesity. Having a family history also increases your risk of developing the condition. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form of the disease.
4. Gestational Diabetes
Gestation diabetes occurs in women, usually during the second trimester of pregnancy. The condition occurs when the placenta produces a hormone that interferes with insulin use. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after childbirth. However, this type of diabetes increases a woman’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the future.
Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes
In the early stages of prediabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes, signs and symptoms are not obvious. However, as your condition progresses or in case you have Type 1 diabetes, symptoms might include;
· Fatigue
· Blurry vision
· Increased thirst and hunger
· Frequent urination
· Numbness in your feet or hands
· Irritability
· Mood swings
· Unintentional weight loss, especially in Type 1 diabetes
· Non-healing cuts and sores
Treatment Of Diabetes
At Lake Family Medicine & Imaging, Dr. Kandavanam starts by conducting a thorough physical diagnostic examination and reviewing your medical and family history to evaluate your symptoms and determine the type of diabetes you have. Depending on your condition, Dr. Kandavanam will develop an individualized treatment plan to tackle the disease.
Prediabetes and early-stage Type 2 diabetes can be managed with healthy lifestyle changes, including dieting, exercising, and being active.
For Type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and advanced Type 2 diabetes, you might be prescribed medication such as regular insulin injections into soft tissue like the arm, stomach, or buttocks to help manage your blood sugar levels. The use of drugs is an essential part of diabetes management. If you have diabetes, you must regularly visit your care provider to monitor how your condition progresses.
Contact Lake Family Medicine & Imaging to learn more about diabetes or get an expert diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.