Completing your degree is a celebratory time but at the same time marked by great uncertainty. Packing up your dorm room can be quite an emotional task and at the same time shocking when you realize how many possessions one can accumulate over only a few years.
If you have enjoyed living in the city of your college but are unsure where you will head next, then it can be quite overwhelming to think about where to leave your belongings – especially if your hometown is not exactly nearby. Additionally, next to your possessions, there are other and bigger headaches regarding your career direction. So many options, but how should you decide? Here are a couple of tips to get you thinking about these next steps into adulthood to ease any confusion.
Selecting A Path
Depending on what you studied for your degree, your career choice might not always be obvious- particularly if you are unsure about how much you enjoyed your major. However, starting to think about your future early on is important to prepare for it. While at college, you are surrounded by many resources that can help you figure out where your career could take you.
Checking The Requirements
Starting somewhere is better than nowhere. Don’t be afraid to explore job listings that interest you. This will help you understand what skills and experiences future employers are looking for. If you find your dream job, but you don’t meet the requirements (yet), don’t feel distraught. This is just the beginning of your career, and if you are willing to put in the work, then there will be a way to continue pursuing your goals. Additionally, employers value hard skills and the attitude you bring to your work; for all you know, you might already have many of the qualities employers value. Important note to yourself, do not downplay what you have to offer. Know your worth!
Where Will You Stay?
While direct employment or continuation of your education is something many students aspire for, the transition is not always as smooth. Many recent graduates decide to stay with their parents after graduation before entering the work life for good. In this case, bringing all your belongings does not always make sense. For example, if you know, you will head back to your College town but want to save the rent money while staying at your folks, then looking at storage units is a safe step. At a reduced rate, you will be able to keep your belongings all in one place, ready for pick up to your own new home. For more info about one of the largest US storage providers, have a look at
The Bigger Picture Of Adulting And Career Success
It can seem that the time following the end of your education is crucial to your future development and will determine your life course. You are right to think that it is important. However, your future can unfold in many ways. Not knowing can offer opportunities you would have been unable to imagine otherwise, and planned paths can take you onto unknown routes. To conclude, keep the ball rolling and don’t let short-term setbacks stop you. If you do have to make a pit-stop in your childhood bedroom, appreciate the growth you have experienced since then, and keep going on your quest for adult career development.