Spine fracture can be caused by trauma from a fall or accident and due to other conditions such as Osteoporosis. Sometimes you may not experience any symptoms; however, pain can accompany it when you move. Depending on the type of fracture, George Kakoulides, MD, can treat West Islip spine fracture via conventional means or surgically.
Spine Fracture: Overview
Your spine comprises twelve thoracics, seven cervical, five lumbar, five sacrum, and 4-5 coccyx vertebrae. These components form a complex muscular system together with the ligaments and intervertebral disc.
The spine comprises an elaborate elastic system capable of absorbing a lot of pressure. Other body parts form a vertebral canal which is part of the spinal cord or central nervous system.
Spinal nerves originate from your spinal cord and protrude in the vertebrae. In case of excess pressure, the spine may fracture and injure your spinal cord and nerves.
Symptoms Of Vertebral Fracture
If your spine is broken, you may experience pain when resting, exercising, or moving. Because of the pain, you may try a different posture which is counterproductive. What happens is that the surrounding tissues may tense up or cause muscle tension.
When accompanied by nerve damage, you may experience a sudden shooting and severe pain, also known as neuropathic pain. It feels like a painful burning and stabbing sensation. At the height of the injury, sensory disturbances can occur, and mobility is greatly affected.
Causes And Risks
Various reasons explain the occurrence of a spine fracture. The most common is a fall when standing, which causes a blow or trauma to your spine. Accidents such as a gunshot can injure the spine requiring surgery, though this is a rare occurrence.
Simple exercises such as somersaulting on a mat or stumbling in the parking lot can cause a spine fracture with severe consequences. Bone loss because of Osteoporosis can cause spine fractures, especially in seniors. A small amount of pressure on the spine can cause a fracture.
Other causes of spine fracture include bone traumas, multiple myeloma, and inflammation of the spine.
Examination And Diagnosis
Your specialist conducts an evaluation and assesses your medical history. Possible questions during the consultation may include whether you have had an accident recently and are experiencing pain and numbness. The doctor also assesses other underlying conditions such as Osteoporosis that may contribute to the fracture.
A clinical examination is conducted where the doctor tests your motor skills, mobility, and sensitivity. Imaging procedures include X-rays, CT scans, and MRI to examine the extent of the injury.
Principally, treatment can be both conventional and surgical. The nature of the procedure depends on the extent of injury and age.
Conservative methods are mainly physical therapy, where your doctor may recommend total bed rest for the spine to heal. However, for severe fractures, surgery becomes the most viable option. There are several categories of surgical procedure which depend on nerve damage.
Healing time can take several months. However, it is recommended to refrain from strenuous exercise to avoid compressing your spine.
Better Back
It is essential to seek treatment immediately after suffering from a spine fracture. Contact George Kakoulides, MD, for diagnosis and treatment.