Exercise Safety Guidelines

Safety Precautions:
-Consult with physician prior to any exercise for any possible medical risk factors
-Terminate any workout in which you feel dizzy, shortness of breath, chest pains, numbness, tingling, nausea, blurriness, or disoriented, etc. and contact fitness room staff and 911.
-Avoid any exercises contraindicated by physician, physical therapist, etc. Substitute exercises can be easily made.
-Take it slow the first few weeks of re-adapting to gym workouts, better to be more cautious at first and progress modestly to prevent injury risk
-Stretch during and after workout!
-Hydrate prior to workout, during workout, and rehydrate after workout (water usually best unless profuse sweating, then possibly a Gatorade or diluted sports drink could be helpful in replenishing lost electrolytes like sodium)
-Use good form! If you can’t, terminate the set.
-Don’t forget to breath! Holding your breath raises blood pressure through the roof.
-Don’t “work through the pain” if it is severe or abnormal. End set and rest, modify it to make it easier, pick an alternative exercise, or avoid exercises that strain the area in pain.

Workout Guidelines
-Keep rest time between sets or exercises medium for the first few weeks then gradually reduce them to keep heart rate up, burn more calories, and pack more into a workout.
- Keep weights on the light-moderate side, at least 12 repetitions per set or until temporary fatigue, weights can be adjusted incrementally as you progress.
-If you don’t have an hour, do your best and try and get in a mix of machines, dumbbells (remember you can bring them into the dance studio if the weight area is packed), and some cardiovascular exercise.
-Workouts do not have to be done by the letter!
-For cardio machines press “quick start” and then modify resistance, speed, incline, etc.
-Have fun!

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