Antioxidants For Better Skin Protection

The sun is out already so that means protecting your skin from inside and out. Suntan lotion and sunglasses help protect you from the damaging effects of the UV rays from the outside while antioxidants can help prevent or minimize damage from the inside. Make sure you take in extra antioxidants along with increased sun exposure as they will help get rid of some excess free radicals that damage cells, cause wrinkles, and diseases such as skin cancer and melanoma. You ideally want to try and get in antioxidants from natural sources such as bright vegetables, fruits, green tea, 100% fruit juices, and soy. You also get a plenty of the antioxidant glutathione from whey and casein protein. If you need to, I recommend supplementing with extra Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and a complete multivitamin/multimineral for extra protection. My personal favorites are EmergenC packets, Airborne, Tropicana OJ Antioxidant Advantage, V8 Splash, POM, and Pharmanex G3 Gak Fruit Juice. Some sunscreens and lotions even have Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Aloe, and other antioxidants in them that may help prevent or minimize skin damage. These antioxidants will also help you feel better overall and counteract some of the other stresses in your life. 

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