New Year's Health & Fitness Resolutions

frugal fitness blog

You may have noticed that 2017 and 2018 have been huge years for Frugal Fitness. In fact, it was the biggest couple of years since I left the fitness industry full time (and almost entirely to be honest) in 2013. From 2014-2016 only 40 new blog posts were published and only 2 new videos were added to Frugal Fitness TV. In 2017 alone I added 3 new videos to Frugal Fitness TV and about 200 new fitness blog posts! There were over 200,000 views to Frugal Fitness this past year and nearly 150,000 views to Frugal Fitness TV as well!

I finally added some amazing new guest bloggers from the UK, Australia, and Canada. I sped up the website and cut down on advertisements. I got Frugal Fitness on Snapchat, Periscope, and Reddit and after more than 3 years brought back the Frugal Fitness E-Mail Newsletters. I added the often requested Free Meal Plan section, covered tricky topics like CrossFit and Natural Bodybuilding Competitions, added dozens of smoothie recipes, and even posted several WOD's for my CrossFit fans.

All of these free tools and additions I hope has translated into a better experience for you all. When it comes to staying fit on a budget, the more weapons in your arsenal the better.  

As far as New Year's Resolutions are concerned, I plan to get off the computer a little more and practice what I preach. I want to get back in the best shape of my life, improve my wellness, and also expand my cooking abilities. Nothing happens overnight and worthwhile things take hard work, but I'm prepared to continue my journey of self-improvement!

I also plan on publishing new fitness articles and videos. Thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy the new weekly posts and monthly videos in 2019 and beyond!

Also Read: New Year's Resolutions To Get Healthier

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Stay Frugal & Fit My Friends!

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