This green tea and blueberry vegan smoothie is gluten-free, refreshing, energizing, and delicious. Some smoothies are considered brain food, and this one takes that sentiment to the next level! The myriad of health benefits from green tea, blueberries, and bananas are unimpeded with the other tasty and healthy ingredients like soy milk, additional berries, and agave nectar as opposed to high fat milk alternatives or sugary / artificial sweetener additions. You'll love it!
- 3 tablespoon filtered water
- 1 green tea bag
- 1 teaspoon agave nectar
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/2 medium banana
- 1/2 cup blackberries or raspberries
- 3/4 cup light vanilla soy milk
- 1 lime wedge garnish
1. MICROWAVE filtered water on high until steaming hot.
2. ADD tea bag and let step for 3 minutes. Remove green tea bag.
3. STIR agave nectar into green tea until dissolved.
4. BLEND all ingredients including green tea on high until smooth.
Enjoy the delicious taste an increase in performance in business and fitness without breaking the bank.
I hope you enjoyed this free healthy frugal recipe for green tea blueberry smoothies on a razor thin budget.
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