10 Tips To Prevent Joint Pain From Working Out

how to prevent joint pain from working out

The number of people with severe joint pain is projected to affect over 75 million adults by the next decade. Joint pain can compromise your quality of life or lead to chronic illness without treatment.

Don't let your chronic joint pain slow down your life!

Instead, keep reading to discover our 10 tips to relieve your pain. Try these prevention tips today if you are experiencing joint pain from working out. With these 10 methods, you can continue living your best life pain-free!

1. Ice it with Cryotherapy

Chill out with cryotherapy. Tissue swelling is caused by an increase in blood flow to certain areas throughout the body. Cold temperatures can chill out that blood flow and reduce the inflammation. 

The next time you feel your pain flare up, grab an ice pack.

Apply the ice to the affected area for 15 minutes at a time. To avoid suffering from ice burns, make sure to wrap the ice or ice pack in a towel. Don't place the ice or pack directly against your skin. 
Reapply the ice a few times throughout your day.

The next day, reduce the number of times you apply the ice. You should still keep the ice against the affected area for 15 minutes. 

Reduce the number of times you apply the ice each day. In time, this process will help you experience pain relief. 

2. Soak Up with Hydrotherapy

The next time you experience joint pain from working out, draw yourself a warm bath.

Warm water eases the pressure on your muscles and joints. If your knees and hips are feeling the burn, the warmth can alleviate the joint pain. Once you are immersed in warm water, massage the affected area.

This will help stimulate blood flow to ease the inflammation. 

Make a note if you experience joint pain while exercising. Don't push yourself too hard. If your gym has a hot tub or sauna, treat your post-workout body with a little hydrotherapy.

3. Schedule Tea Time

Herbal teas and other natural mixtures can also help ease the pain. The next time you go shopping, keep a lookout for:

  • Green tea - decreases inflammation, improves blood flow, reduces the risk of blood clots, and reduces the risk of heart attacks
  • White tea - eases inflammation in joint tissue and helps with skin recovery
  • Ginger tea - decreases inflammation and prevents certain diseases
  • Black tea - decreases inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Roobios tea - treats chronic inflammatory conditions and reduces oxidative stress
  • Masala chai - decreases inflammation and eliminates free radicals
  • Tumeric tea - fights chronic inflammation
  • Rosehip tea - boosts immunity, decreases inflammation, and treats rheumatoid arthritis

These natural herbs can prevent future hip, knee, and other joint pains you experience from working out. The next time you are feeling joint pain, pour yourself a soothing cup of tea, sit back, and relax.

4. Massage the Pain Away

Treat yourself! A relaxing, soothing massage is also an effective method for relieving joint pain. 

Schedule an appointment with a local masseuse or save some cash and do it at home.

If you are choosing to massage yourself, try using a topical menthol rub for additional pain relief. 

Massage the cream into your skin and focus on the affected area. When you are massaging yourself, don't forget to direct your strokes towards your heart. 

5. Work It Out by Exercising

Did you know the direct medical costs for patients with arthritis is $140 billion a year? Over 54 million people, or 23% of adults in the United States, have arthritis. This condition is also the leading cause of work disability in the country. 

Remaining physically active can decrease your arthritis pain.

It also improves your mood, function, and quality of life. Many people with joint pain, however, neglect to keep up with their daily physical activity. Without exercise, your arthritis could lead to heart disease, obesity, or diabetes. 

If you experience joint pain while exercising, change up your routine. Try:

  • Walking three to four times a week
  • Swimming (laps or a water aerobics class)
  • Strength training (stronger muscles eases the strain on your joints)
  • Cycling (which minimizes the impact of traditional jogging)
  • Yoga (which improves your flexibility and range of motion)
  • Tai chi (which improves joint flexibility and function)
  • Pilates (which improves muscle control and eases pressure on your joints) 
  • Use a proven pain-relief cream like Flexumgel

You don't always need to head to the gym for exercise. If these exercises don't appeal to you, try gardening, cleaning, or light strength training at home. 

6. Medication to Soothe the Strain

Certain medications can help ease the pain, too. If anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen aren't enough, see your doctor. They can prescribe a muscle relaxant to reduce your pain.

If you prefer relieving your joint pain with natural methods, check out our Frugal Fitness and Healthcare sections for more affordable home health tips.

7. Get Professional Help with PT

Physical therapists are professionally trained to help improve your range of motion. Their exercises and guidance can help you experience relief during your appointment and at home. 

8. Alternative Treatments

If physical therapy isn't your style, try acupuncture instead. This treatment can help improve your range of motion and ease the pressure on your joints.

In addition to alleviating the pain you're currently feeling, acupuncture can also help prevent future pain, too. 

9. Go Immobile

Sometimes, the pain is too much to go for a swim or make it to a physical therapy appointment. If that is the case, immobilize the joint where you're experiencing pain.

Try using a brace or splint.

However, you should note that immobilizing the area isn't always the best option.

10. Get Some Rest

If the pain is too much to bear, take a break.

Rest can help your body repair itself. Taking the time to catch your breath and relax will also restore your energy and take the pressure off your joints. 

If you experience joint pain while exercising, try to take a break between workouts. Give your body time to heal and your joints will thank you! 

10 Tips for Relieving Joint Pain From Working Out

Feeling the burn? Try these 10 tips the next time you experience joint pain from working out. With these tips, you can soothe your joint pain away and get back to a better life.

Explore the official Frugal Fitness and Healthcare sections of the blog for more tips on how to stay fit on a budget. 

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