Never judge a book by its cover.
That’s the lesson we’re all taught from childhood, right? Well, it turns out we didn’t exactly commit that particular lesson to memory!
For instance, 70% of consumers agree that packaging design impacts their purchasing decisions.
People see the packet, judge it, and decide whether or not to buy what’s inside as a result. It’s amazing when you think about it. You could have the best product in the world. But poor packaging can render it a commercial failure.
Simply, looks matter. As it happens, there are all sorts of ways that product packaging makes a difference.
Want to learn more?
Keep reading to discover 6 further reasons why the packaging for products makes all the difference.
1. Brand Differentiation
Think about the last time you went shopping online.
Chances are you headed straight over to Amazon, Etsy, or any other online retail store.
You typed in the item(s) you were looking for and hit enter. What did you see?
Chances are you were hit with endless search results relating to the product you wanted.
It isn’t like a physical retail store. Here, the shelves may be stacked with a few choices. There may even be upwards of a dozen options. It can seem a lot. Still, though, there’s something manageable about that.
The internet suffers no such limitation. There are sometimes thousands of options to choose from.
It’s becoming harder for companies to differentiate their products. This is where the packaging comes into its own. With so many options, decision-making comes down to finer margins.
Aesthetic, well-designed, beautiful packaging help brands stand out from the crowd. In saturated niches, that’s all the more beneficial.
2. Brand Recognition
There’s a subtle difference between brand differentiation and brand recognition.
Packaging plays a role in both.
Think about Apple products. The packaging we all know and love inevitably shares many of the same characteristics. No matter the product, Apple packaging is almost always similar.
It’s sleek, modern, and minimalistic. There are no bells and whistles. The colors are neutral and contemporary. The boxes fit and house the products perfectly. They slide and glide and function just as smoothly as the products themselves.
This recognisability can work wonders for sales. It promotes exposure and familiarity. It facilitates brand differentiation.
Imagine browsing the aisles (virtual or in real life). On a long list of similar products, it’s often the most familiar brand that gets the sale. Consumers know it, like it, and trust it.
You can see many companies that prides themselves on designing high-quality packaging in the e-commerce golden age we're currently in.
3. Marketing Boost
Packaging can play a major role in marketing endeavors.
After all, it’s essentially free marketing for companies.
That product is going to be packaged in something. It may as well be packaged in a way that’s brand-related and serves to expand the company somehow.
Some companies include carefully worded, hand-written notes of thanks. Others put freebies inside, along with the actual product. Almost every single business will (and should) include their contact details, website URL, social media handles, and so on.
It’s all additional exposure that can promote your brand to people who’ve already made a purchase. Packaging can provide that extra impetus for converting a one-time customer to a lifelong fan.
Sometimes, your packaging might even go viral. If you’ve done something particularly clever, thoughtful, or generally remarkable, people will notice it. Then they’ll share it. Before you know it, word of mouth is spreading like wildfire. You’re the company on everyone’s lips.
4. Impact Buyer Mood
Packaging plays a direct role in how consumers feel about your product.
That much should be clear from the statistic we included in the intro. Packaging directly impacts someone’s willingness to make a purchase.
There are many factors in operation here.
One of the most notable is color, which is known to impact human behavior and mood. Think about it. We naturally associate certain colors with particular things.
Red is a prime example.
In western society the color red packs connotations of anger, negativity and the need to stop. None of these responses are conducive to making sales! Now, that’s not to say that red could never be used in product packaging. It’s simply one instance of how color can play a role in buyer perception.
5. Sales Boost
Everything we’ve mentioned so far feeds into this point:
The right product packaging can boost sales like nothing else. In some ways, it’s just as important as the product itself. A great product in awful packaging will never sell as well as it might otherwise.
A prime example of this can be found in the tobacco industry.
Countries around the world are clamping down on smoking. Attempts to stop people smoking have been happening for years.
We’ve all seen the awful images of smoking-related illnesses on the fronts of packets. Now, laws are being brought in that commit companies to selling cigarettes in blank packaging.
Remember how color is important? Blank packaging, in combination with horrible images, is cutting sales of cigarettes all over the world.
In other words, people have worked out how to use packaging in a way that limits sales. In this way, the right packaging can be used to stimulate them.
6. Product Protection
At a practical level, packaging plays a vital protective function too.
Customers don’t take kindly to having long-awaited products arriving broken in the post.
Packaging should look great, but protect the contents as well. We’ve seen how a good looking package can work wonders for your brand. Conversely, a package that contains a broken product can have a significant negative impact.
Final Thoughts on Packaging for Products
There you have it: all the reasons that the packaging for products matters.
To buy or not to buy, that is the question. And consumers themselves report that product packaging plays a direct role in their decision. The right packaging can stimulate sales; poor packaging can do the opposite.
As we’ve seen, this isn’t the only way that product packaging is so important. Hopefully, this post has highlighted the main reasons it pays to invest in this vital element of product sales.
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