7 Common Workplace Injuries and How to Prevent Them

common workplace injuries how to prevent work injury

Did you recently start a new job and are trying to get used to the new setting? Are you trying to avoid injuries at your job after hearing about a friend or relative getting hurt at their workplace?

If so, then it's important that you know now about common workplace injuries you might encounter. 

While certain accidents may depend on the environment you work in, others can take place in any type of field if you are not aware of your surroundings.

With our knowledge of businesses and work environments, you will be able to spot potential accidents and stay safe at your job on a regular basis.

Here are seven common workplace injuries and how to prevent them.

1. Slips, Trips, and Falls

Some workplace accidents can take place in a variety of settings, from an IT tech office to an automotive factory. Among the most common are slips, trips, and falls, which can occur for different reasons.

Slips and trips are usually caused by wet floors and obstacles, and people working on ladders or at greater heights are at a greater risk of getting hurt. Injuries, in this case, can range from sprains and strains to tears and broken bones.

You can avoid these accidents by labeling wet floors and drying them up with non-slip rugs and similar material. Remove objects that clutter in your work area, and consider asking for handrails to be installed for work at high elevations if they aren't already provided.

2. Heavy Lifting

Do you have a job that requires you to lift, push, or pull heavy material? If so, then you might be at risk of injuring your back and certain muscles that are used to move larger equipment.

Even if you don't experience any back pain have been able to avoid broken bones, the stress from lifting heavy material can lead to long-term problems. This can affect your heart, which can not only limit how much work you can do but also put you at risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

We recommend speaking to your employer about your concerns with such tasks, as well as any physical issues you may be experiencing from the job. You should also learn more about how to deal with current pain as well as how to cure and avoid it in the future.

3. Crashes and Collisions

Those who have a job that requires using or working on vehicles face the risk of crashes and collisions. These common workplace accidents can occur due to a lack of attention among people walking or working in the area and those operating the vehicles.

Crashes and collisions can occur with vehicles in different forms, from cars and forklifts to bulldozers and dump trucks. Working in harsh weather conditions or certain outdoor environments can increase your risk of suffering from this accident.

Make sure that you are wearing seatbelts and other safety equipment while operating vehicles. It also helps to understand how to operate them beforehand.

4. Repetitive Strain Injury

Some of the most common workplace injuries can take place in any type of job. Among them is a repetitive strain injury (RSI), which causes pain from doing too much of the same movements or overuse of certain muscles.

You can face the risk of RSIs by lifting the same weight consistently, typing for long periods, training with certain equipment, or having the same posture for long periods. Common RSIs include carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.

You can avoid RSIs by taking breaks to loosen up and have the energy to work again. We also advise finding different tasks each day to keep your body from feeling strained and use different muscles.

5. Cuts and Lacerations

Your chances of suffering a workplace injury may also depend on the kind of equipment you use. Certain material can cause cuts and lacerations if not handled properly.

Certain work environments that require more hands-on work put you at greater risk with tools such as power saws and paper trimmers. You can also suffer cuts from office machines, sharp corners, and tools for opening boxes and letters.

The best way to avoid cuts and lacerations is to go through proper training and go through safety procedures for your equipment. Make sure to wear protection to keep your skin covered.

6. Toxic Fumes

Accidents at work can cause harm to more than the outside of your body. Some of you may be at risk of injuries in the form of inhaling toxic fumes and chemicals.

Factory workers and those with jobs in similar environments may interact with hazardous chemicals on a regular basis. Such chemicals can cause irritation in the skin and eyes as well as long-term respiratory problems.

Make sure that your job provides goggles, gloves, masks, and other safety gear to avoid harmful chemicals. It also helps to learn about these chemicals before working near them and ask your employer and more seasoned co-workers about how to work with them.

7. Falling Objects

Another accident you can add to the types of workplace injuries affecting different fields is getting hit by falling objects. A variety of items can fall from shelves and cupboards, such as books, boxes, construction tools, and signs.

The extent of your injury may depend on the size and weight of the object, but the height of the fall can also play a role. Common workplace injuries in this situation can range from cuts and bruises to broken bones and concussions, depending on the object.

Use durable storage cages so that equipment and other objects stay out of people's way. You should also discuss with your team where to put objects and how to store them so that your work area is safe.

Our Take on Common Workplace Injuries

While some common workplace injuries can be expected in certain jobs, others can cause problems in a variety of fields. This is why we recommend being aware of your work setting and anything that can cause you harm.

Keep an eye on anything that can fall on you or cause you to slip and fall. The risk of suffering certain workplace injuries depends on the equipment, how you use it, and what you wear while operating them.

With our guide, you will be able to work in a safe environment and make a reliable living with less workplace injuries.

For more of our work environment expertise, check out our guides today to find the right job for you.

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