6 Tips For Going 30 Days Sober

tips going 30 days sober dry january stop drinking new sobriety

These days more people are interested in reducing their alcohol intake. Events such as Dry January and Sober October have become incredibly popular in the mainstream. Before this, organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous and other groups dedicated to helping people quit or reduce their drinking have used 30 days as the first recommended milestone for sobriety. 

There are many different benefits to going sober for 30 days, even if you drink alcohol afterward. For one thing, if you struggle with alcohol dependency or have even just grown used to regularly drinking, giving it up for 30 days can show you psychologically that you have control! In addition to this, there are physical benefits for your liver and heart and positive effects on your mood and ability to concentrate. 

However, going sober for 30 days can be tricky, even if you do not consider yourself a heavy drinker. In this guide, we have collected six tips to help you to achieve this milestone! 

Note: if you are a heavy daily drinker, consult your doctor before suddenly stopping alcohol consumption. Alcohol withdrawal in very heavy drinkers can be very dangerous to your health. 

Indulge In Your Hobbies 

Sometimes drinking alcohol comes mostly from feelings of boredom. Why not pick up an old hobby again, or find a new one? Any hobby that helps you to get into a “flow state” and escape from the world around you can be a healthier replacement for using alcohol to achieve this. 

Replace Alcohol With Other Rewards 

Your hobbies do not have to be super productive at first—as long as they are less bad for you than drinking, it is a step in the right direction. For many people, video games are a great example, as the feelings of achievement from video games stimulate the same “reward systems” in the brain as alcohol does. 

Avoid People Who May Pressure You To Drink 

For many of us, drinking alcohol is a social pastime. Going to the bar on a Friday night after work is a regular tradition for many people. However, this can threaten your sobriety if you are avoiding alcohol. If you cannot spend time around other drinkers without being tempted, it is worth considering staying in with Netflix and takeout instead of hitting the bars! 

Keep Your Stress Levels Low 

If you don’t have alcohol as your go-to stress relief method, it can be useful to find ways to reduce your stress levels. Whether you are practicing mindfulness meditation, checking out CBD oils on sites like platinum cbd or making time to read a good book before bed, stress relief becomes extra important during this time. 

Get Regular Exercise 

One of the main complaints that former heavy drinkers report after quitting is trouble getting to sleep. Insomnia can often be tackled by getting plenty of exercise and physical activity in the day so that the body is tired and ready for sleep in the evening. Not to mention, exercise has many other health benefits. 

Have A Healthy Support System 

It is normal to struggle with giving up any habit, and sobriety is likely to be difficult at some points. Having a support system of friends and loved ones who want to see you succeed can be indispensable. If you complete your sober month and decide that you want to go even longer or even give up entirely, this support system will be your best tool. If you don’t have people like this in your life, there are many online forums and support groups dedicated to helping people stay sober.

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