The most effective form of assisted reproduction is in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Fertility specialist Fangyin Meng, MD, PHD, provides comprehensive in-vitro fertilization care to help you overcome infertility or protect your child from certain genetic disorders. Dr. Meng customizes your IVF treatment plan depending on your chances of enjoying a successful, healthy pregnancy. To find out more about your choices for in-vitro fertilization in Newport Beach, CA, call the office of Fangyin Meng, MD, PHD, or set up a consultation online.
What Is In-Vitro Fertilization, And How Does It Work?
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a solid and efficient infertility treatment option. IVF entails mixing eggs and sperm in a medical lab to produce embryos, which Dr. Meng then implants into your uterus. Dr. Meng is in charge of all IVF procedures, including:
• Ovarian stimulation
• Egg retrieval
• Embryo culture
• Embryo transfer
What Should You Do To Get Ready For In-Vitro Fertilization?
Several steps are involved in in-vitro fertilization to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
These are the first steps of IVF treatments:
Controlled Ovarian
Stimulation It takes about two weeks to stimulate the ovaries. To help your egg, you can need an injectable drug containing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), or both. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists will also be given to you. This medication prevents eggs from being released prematurely.
Dr. Meng performs multiple ultrasounds and blood tests during these two weeks to assess your unique IVF needs.
Conventional Ovarian Stimulation IVF
Traditional Ovarian stimulation IVF protocol begins with a moderate amount of injectable drugs, later adjusted depending on your treatment response. The target is to collect the most suitable number of eggs to increase the likelihood of IVF success.
Mini Stim IVF
You will be given a small amount of injectable medication as well as oral drugs to trigger your ovaries during mini stim IVF. Women with a low egg reserve in their ovaries benefit from this procedure.
Egg Retrieval
Dr. Meng uses a transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration to collect your eggs, including inserting an ultrasound probe into your vagina to locate follicles. She retrieves the eggs with a small needle. The operation takes about 20 minutes and is performed in an operating room under a general anesthetic to ensure your safety and relaxation.
Semen Collection
On the same day as your egg retrieval, Dr. Meng extracts your partner's sperm. She washes the sperm to guarantee that she only extracts the most viable and stable sperm. The thawing process begins at this point if the sperm you're using is frozen.
What Occurs During The In-Vitro Fertilization Phase?
The sperm and eggs are combined in a medical lab during the fertilization process. Dr. Meng creates the embryo in one of two ways:
Conventional Insemination
Dr. Meng incubates the washed sperms and mature eggs overnight in traditional insemination.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Dr. Meng injects a single, ordinary sperm into each mature egg during ICSI. When the quality or quantity of the sperm isn't optimal, or if an embryo biopsy is needed afterward, this procedure is beneficial.
Doctor Meng will move the embryos into your uterus using a thin catheter that passes through your vaginal canal two to five days after egg retrieval. One or more embryos are kept in a syringe attached to the device for implantation.
The embryo implants into the lining of your uterus 6-10 days following egg retrieval in a successful IVF procedure. Soon after, you'll take a pregnancy test to see whether you're expecting.
Initiate IVF
To determine if in-vitro fertilization is appropriate for you, contact Fangyin Meng, MD, PHD, today. You may also schedule a consultation online.