Without earning compounding interest, your money's value is wasting away each year at an alarming rate. Your one dollar today will not be able to buy the same goods in the next few decades (or months at this point), and this is because of inflation. It is inflation that is measuring the services in the economy and the measures of average price levels in a country. This is the increase in price at a given point in time. Because of inflation results, the currency that you are holding today will buy less than before. With your buying power and savings at a loss, especially in a time of increasing inflation and wage stagnation (stagflation), you have to start planning to minimize it the best you can.
Inflation is running rampant across the United States and many parts of the world right now due to many factors with prices skyrocketing. In fact, the U.S. and other countries just printed more money in the past 2 years than they have in the previous 200! The Fed continues to keep the printing press going for now. And with rapidly growing national debt adding up each year, things on the horizon don't look very promising. While inflation needs to be lowered down to a normal 2-3%, it has been hovering around 8% for awhile in 2023! Even mortgage rates are now at record highs, although they won't last forever since the red hot housing market will eventually cool. Clearly the inflation is not "transitory" as it was called for many months, and could contribute to an upcoming global recession.
Now in 2023 it looks like inflation is starting to cool off slowly along with home prices, and eventually mortgage rates will start falling a bit. But nobody is home free yet.
Inflated pricing a complicated issue with many moving parts. The record-breaking inflation is blamed by many on Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Powell, The Fed, Russia, or China. But the truth is that no one single person or country or industry or political policy is to blame after the Coronavirus pandemic fallout that has wreaked havoc on the economy.
Nowadays just going to the grocery store or buying building materials is costing a fortune at this point, if you can even get the products you are looking for at all in our new inflation nation. There is a noticeable shortage on all items, and prices are reflecting it. Empty shelves and panic buying are occurring even now, especially around the holidays. Even the almighty Dollar Tree will be raising prices on some items above $1 soon! Some products don't increase prices but instead just reduce size or quantity to cut costs.
This is why it is essential to have a hedge against inflationary price increases. When prices go up, you need an investment like the one on this page that will go up in value, and your portfolio should be able to keep up with the costs as you age. In addition, the economy of a particular country can rapidly contribute to inflation. This can be in the form of a rise in wages or rapid processing of oil and other raw materials.
It is natural to have inflation in the market. However, who wants to lose money over time? It helps to lower your bills and save more money, but what you really need to do is invest in things that give you a return higher than the level of inflation. This is why many disciplined investors are going into other asset classes when they notice that the markets are going to turn into a climate of inflation. Some of the top assets that you may consider to fight inflation include the following:
5 Top Investment Options To Fight Inflation
1. Gold
Gold bullions or coins are always considered a hedge when the prices are soaring. This is because gold has not lost its value over centuries, and it’s still considered by many as an alternative currency. Gold bars and specific coins are helpful when a native currency of a country is losing its value as the people’s trust in the government becomes lesser. This is a physical asset that one can hold in their hands, and the value tends to hold for the most part.
2. Bond Portfolios
Bond portfolios with 60/40 stock are a traditional mix of bonds and stocks, and they are considered the safest investments. They are conservative, and if you’re unsure about how to do the work on your own and are reluctant to pay for an advisor, you can consider the dimensional DFA Global Allocation instead. This can be a straightforward strategy, and like any other investment plan, it has its cons.
If you compare them to equity portfolios, they won’t perform well over a significant period of time. There are also the effects of compounding interest to consider. It is essential that the 60/40 is only a hedge that will keep the overall portfolio safe. However, you will likely be missing out on a few returns compared to the stocks with a high percentage. Some bonds have been booming in 2021 and 2022 but no investment is guaranteed in a volatile economy filled with inflation. Bonds have also been having a moment in 2023.
3. Real Estate Investment Trust
The REITs are known to be real estate companies that operate and own some income-producing properties. These houses tend to rise with inflation, and you can invest in one that consists of a pool of other like-minded people. The pool will pay out the dividends to the investors. Of course, if you want more exposure to this but want a lower expense ratio, you can always consider Vanguard Real Estate ETFs.
However, know that there are disadvantages when you put all your money into a real estate investment trust. They are very sensitive to the changes in high-yielding assets. As the interest rates are rising, some people find it attractive to invest in treasury securities, and the result is a lower share of prices because the funds were withdrawn away from the REITs.
Another thing is that REITs need to pay property taxes, and this can be more than 20% of their total operational costs. Read more about REITs in this web address: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/reit-real-estate-investment-trust/. If the council or municipal authorities suddenly pass a law that increases the taxes for the budget shortfalls, the shareholders may find themselves strapped for cash.
There are certainly high yields in general, but the taxes are imposed on the dividends. Most of the rates fall at about 15%, and the dividends are currently taxed according to the higher percentage of REIT. They are considered a personal income that can raise the rates and potentially put you in a higher tax bracket.
4. S&P 500
Stocks are still the best choice when you want to invest for the long term. Businesses usually have gained from inflation, especially if they require little capital as a start-up. Those that are often dependent on natural resources are considered losers.
Today, the S&P 500 has a high enough concentration when it comes to communication services and technology businesses. They can account for more than 35% of the stake in the Index. Overall, the communications and technological developments serve as capital-light for many companies, and they can emerge as winners afterwards.
If you’re going to invest in the S&P 500, you need to look into the SPDR ETF for the S&P 500 that will be a watch list on your behalf. However, like any other investments out there, specific disadvantages may be present in the S&P 500 Index. One of the significant drawbacks includes giving a higher priority to many companies with a lot of market capitalization. The stock prices for the larger companies will influence the Index in no time. Also, there are no exposures with the small capital companies that historically provided the best returns.
But when it comes to the very basics, you can get around a 9% growth per year investing in the stock market compared to a 3% loss to inflation each year. And all the compound interest from dividends really adds up.
5. Income From Real Estate
The income from real estate comes with rentals. The amount and cash flow you receive every month can beat inflation. When the inflation rises, expect that your home will also increase in value. This is because the landlord can charge a higher amount each month. The result is that there will be a higher rental income that keeps up with the inflation. This is one of the best reasons you should consider investing in real estate if you want diversification.
However, know that there are cons to real estate investing. First, you have to cough up a considerable amount of money for the initial investment, and the transaction costs are higher than what you may have anticipated. Additional costs like insurance, repairs, and maintenance can't be forgotten as well.
The second thing is that houses and real estate are not liquid, so you can’t quickly sell them without substantial losses in their value. Purchasing a home will require maintenance and management, and you also have a great deal of financial liability if you don’t research this industry before getting into it. And don't forget about other costs like property taxes or condo HOA fees!
In addition to rental income real estate or flipping properties, you can also invest in land if you speculate that it will increase in value over time.
Ignore Inflation Increases
Inflation can be tough on your personal finances, small business, and retirement planning. But utilizing the above investment options, potentially along with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or other precious metals like silver, will ensure that your investing goals aren't inhibited. With a smart strategy including the tips above, you can inhibit the inflation inflammation!