The Benefits Of Modern Relationships And Casual Dating

Not everyone is looking for true love, marriage, 2.5 children, and a house with a white picket fence when it comes to dating. A lot of people are just looking to meet new people, have some fun, and enjoy physical intimacy. Why do you think the hookup apps Tinder and Grindr are so popular, or why male performance enhancement products are so in demand?

There are countless singles out there that are simply looking for a purely physical connecting like sex dating when it comes down to it. And there's nothing wrong with two adults having some fun between the sheets! Luckily there are plenty of websites out there that can help facilitate hookups and including No Strings Dating

While I am a happily married man, I know countless friends and associates that prefer to keep things casual when it comes to their relationship. They meet a lot of cool new people, travel across the globe, and have the freedom to do anything at any time. They can see multiple men or women at once, or just keep things simple with the date of their choice. You can't deny that it's an enviable situation, and it's one that you can enjoy as well with hookup and sex dating websites like No Strings Dating.

Casual relationships focused on physical intimacy can have some major benefits over traditional dating as well. Here are just some of the advantages:

It's More Frugal Than Regular Dating

This website is called Frugal Fitness so you knew I'd go there! Yes, casual dating can be a lot less expensive than traditional dating. In traditional dating the courtship process can be incredibly expensive with dates, jewelry, birthday presents, holidays, anniversary presents, vacations, and other overhead. Let's not even get into engagement rings, weddings, honeymoons, mortgages, and the cost of starting a family. A lot of people can't even afford to go on multiple dates if they have to pay for part or all of the cost. Casual dating can still involve outings, gifts, and travel but they are usually not as expensive and they are a choice rather than obligation.

Sex Is A Great Workout

Again, this website is called Frugal Fitness so I'm always thinking of the exercise potential! Sexual activity works nearly all muscle groups in your body including legs, core, and upper body. It involves isometric muscular movements where (plank or hip bridge for instance) and isotonic muscle movements where the length of the muscle changes during contraction. It burns plenty of calories and improves cardiovascular health. Making love makes your metabolism increase which means you burn more calories for hours after the act.

Confidence Booster

It's always a great confidence booster when someone finds you attractive and wants to be physically intimate with you. Even just getting some flattering messages can be a boost of self-confidence. Having fun and hooking up with someone you're attracted can give you the self-confident attitude that carries over into other areas of your life like work and fitness.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

Even the best relationships and marriages deal with a lot of boredom and monotony. You can be with the most beautiful supermodel in the world but after years of the same-old same-old it gets boring. It's not personal. it's just human nature. Casual dating and hooking up with new people gives you the variety that everyone craves. It keeps things fun and fresh!

Less Stress & Drama

Physiologically speaking, getting intimate can help to lessen the stress, strain, and monotony of daily life. Physical intimacy helps to release pent up stress in the short term and long term by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone. It also helps to improve quality of sleep and release endorphins. 

But emotionally and psychologically there is usually a lot less drama and stress to deal with when it comes to informal dating. You don't have to worry about bills, chores, in-laws, or babysitters. And without the burdens of a relationship or family, there is a lot less drama you'll have to deal with. 


The freedom to do whatever you'd like with whoever you'd like is an incredible feeling. You can't put a price on it, and casual dating gives you that opportunity. Take it.


Consider trying out casual dating with websites like No Strings Dating and spice up your life!

I hope you enjoyed this article about the benefits of casual dating on a tight budget.

Interested in more articles about sexual health and relationships? 

Read My Posts:

- How To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

- Find Lasting Love With Free Dating Websites

Stay Frugal & Fit My Friends!

Frugal Fitness

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