Many people worry about oily skin and struggle to find a good skincare routine for it, but dealing with dry skin can be equally challenging, if not more so. This skin type requires a lot of attention because poor skin care can lead to premature aging, painfully flaking skin, cracks, and other such problems. In this article, we discuss how to use good-quality skin care products and create a routine that will help you with dry skin.
1. Understand Your Skin Type
It is important to understand your skin type and plan a routine accordingly. Some people have sensitive, acne-prone dry skin and need to choose the products accordingly. Others have severely dry skin and any product designed for normal-dry skin doesn’t work for them. Once you understand your skin type, you’re better equipped to buy the best products for the daily routine.
2. Change How You Bathe
While long showers and soaks can be soothing, they can also dry out the skin. Hot water and baths that last longer than 10 minutes draw natural oils from your skin and make it drier. You need to make sure nothing strips the natural oils from the skin because they keep it healthy and supple.
There’s nothing wrong with an occasional long shower or soak, but keep your regular showers short. It is also a good idea to bathe in warm water or cool water instead of hot water. If you do soak or shower for a long time, make sure you use a good moisturizer afterward.
3. Always Moisturize After A Bath
Bathing opens your skin’s pores so it is easier of good skin care products to sink in deep and nourish the skin. That’s why it is a good idea to moisturize the skin after bathing. You can use in-bath moisturizers for this purpose. Most people find using an in-bath lotion more convenient.
If you don’t have an in-bath moisturizer, use your regular products after stepping out of the shower. Dab your skin dry and apply a generous layer of product over it until your skin doesn’t feel stretched and stiff.
4. Don’t Use Drying Soaps
Cleansing is an important part of any skin care routine, but you need to choose a cleanser carefully. Harsh soaps can strip all oils from your skin and clog pores as well. Your skin will feel drier and more flaky with repeated use, which is why it is a good idea to use a specially formulated cleanser for the job.
Cleansers for dry skin are mild and don’t strip the skin of its natural oils. They also have helpful ingredients that add moisture back into the skin. It is best to stick with organic beauty products when it comes to cleansers and moisturizers because they’re less harsh on the skin.
5. Moisturize Twice Every Day
The best way to keep your dry skin supple and hydrated is to moisturize it twice a day; once in the morning and once during the night. You can use a heavier moisturizer for the night if needed, but that’s not always necessary. Make sure you find the right product for your skin type. For example, if you’re in your 40s or 50s and are struggling with dryness, use the best moisturizer for dry aged skin to keep it supple.
If you follow these steps, you will be able to keep your skin healthy, soft, and supple for a long time. Then you can love the skin you're in!