Before you can choose the right music and soundtrack for your video, you need to be aware of what defines good music for videos. When watching videos online or even movies on the big screen, it may seem like an easy task to choose the music used. However, there's a lot that goes into the process.
If you're working on your own video or movie project, then you're already beginning to understand how much work actually goes into creating a masterpiece. We don't realize how much work it is until we begin to create our own projects.
Maybe the music you've chosen so far is working too well. Maybe you don't know where to begin.
Either way, we're here to help. Below are 7 secrets to choosing the right music for your video.
1. Start the Process Early
Music should be one of the first things that you decide on when creating your own video. Don't finalize an edit and then decide on what music to use. Instead, start figuring out your soundtrack early on.
If you're working for a client, be sure to send the client the soundtrack before finalizing anything.
This allows your client time to either approve or reject it. Focusing on the music aspect of your video early on also helps you stay in budget.
For example, you might not know the price of licensing music until you're in the moment. Knowing how much it'll cost ahead of time will help you stick with your budget.
2. Understand the Tone of Your Video
You should have an understanding of the tone of your video before selecting which music to use.
The tone of your video is something that you should know before you create the video itself. What message are you trying to convey in your video?
And what tone does this then give off? The tone of your video will affect the mood of the music. There are some instances where you might intentionally use music that clashes with the scene in the video for a comical effect for example.
Otherwise, use music that plays into the tone of the video or the scene well. You want the music you choose to enhance any emotions and feelings in the viewer for each scene that music is used in.
3. Decide Between Vocals and Non-Vocals
Choosing between vocals and non-vocals is another important step in selecting the right music for your specific video. Films use music with vocals as there are scenes where no dialogue is taken place. Videos that have dialogue throughout them, such as an interview, shouldn't have music with vocals in it.
If you're able to use a track with vocals in it, be sure to listen to the words carefully.
Although the tone or mood of the music might seem fitting, the words will need to fit with your video as well. If you have an issue finding vocals that work well with what's going on in your video, remember that non-vocal tracks can be just as powering.
The right non-vocal track will bring out all emotions and feelings in your viewers as a vocal one would.
4. Use Music with Real Instruments
It's best to stick with music that uses real instruments rather than choosing something with digitalized effects and instruments.
Even someone who doesn't know much about music will be able to tell if the music in your video is made with effects rather than real instruments.
You should think about the message that you're trying to convey in your video and choose an instrument that will help you convey this message. For example, if creating a video on different cultures, you can use music using popular instruments from that culture.
5. Think About Your Audience
Think about who will be viewing your video as well when deciding on the best music to use. Who is your target audience? If this a project that you're creating to show college classmates?
Are you creating an animated video for young children? Are you putting together a project for your boss? This is something that you want to take into consideration as your audience will relate to music depending on who they are.
The best way to narrow your choices down based on your audience is to think about 3 different genres of music that would suit them well. Then, select one track for the 3 different genres.
Once done, you can see which one out of the 3 tracks will work best for your video.
6. Choose the Song First
Our next tip for you is to choose the song first.
This isn't required when creating a video, but some of the best video editors do it this way for good reason. You might find that it's easier to take a song and build a video around it rather than create a video and then find a track that's fitting.
This is because the music in a video holds so much power over the emotions and feelings of the viewers.
7. Browse Through Stock Music
Now that you have a better idea of how to find the right music for your video, it's time to start browsing through these stock music options. Here, you can select if your video is for personal or business content.
You can then browse through different tracks based on the genre, a keyword, instruments used, vocals, and more!
What Is Good Music for Videos?
After reading through our guide, we hope you now have a better idea of what good music for videos is.
Which tracks will you use for your new video? Be sure to keep this guide handy when needing to make the right selection!