Contributed by Amanda Loudin of MissZippy1 and on Twitter @MissZippy1 & Facebook
Join the fun!
A few weeks back I told you about the Rev3/Ulman Cancer Fund Virtual Run Across America. Well, let’s make that a virtual and REAL run across America, ’cause several people are doing just that, right now. They are studs for a fantastic cause. From March 26 through April 16, they’re making their way from California to D.C.
After I posted about this run, I had several folks ask if I was joining a virtual run team as well. In fact, I am double dipping–I’m on two teams. The first is TeamDavis, which is spearheaded by blogger Harmony. She’s got her own personal reasons for wanting to kick cancer to the curb. And she’s running from Oceanside, Calif. to Phoenix while we run along virtually with her.
The second team is made up of a bunch of my local running pals (and one across the ocean in Norway). Together we’re piling up our miles in support of the Ulman Fund, which happens to be based right here in our town.
How can you pitch in? Glad you asked. You can help either of my teams rack up the points by making a donation. The two teams are Team Davis and Team Run For Your Life–take your pick. This is an awesome opportunity to help young adults fighting cancer. Thanking you in advance for any donation you make!
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I hope you enjoyed this article about how to live healthier on a frugal budget and maximize your performance!
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Stay Frugal & Fit My Friends!
Free Workouts & Nutrition On A Budget
"Crushing Fitness Costs Worldwide"
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